Christmas decorations before or after?

Christmas 2018

As I’ve spent time this week sitting waiting for are crawl space work to be finished I’ve read the debate posts on before and after Thanksgiving Christmas decorating.

Some say it’s not right because Thanksgiving should have its own time. Others say it’s good for you to decorate early for Christmas.

I personally believe either way is ok. It’s your home, your decorations and your the one looking at it. Why do we post on social media do’s and don’ts on decorations? Because we believe our way is the right way. But is it, when it comes to decorating? There is no law on it nor is it a moral issue. It’s truly preference.

I have fond memories of my childhood going to my Aunts house for thanksgiving. The home was beautifully decorated and her presents were wrapped under the tree. My mom chose to wait till the day after Thanksgiving.

As I was pondering this I thought my mom probably waited till after because we would of been out of school and my sister and her always put it up and we helped decorate.

There truly isnt a specific day to decorate for a holiday. Its usually preference and traditions. I use to wait till the day after Thanksgiving but this year it’s going up when I’m physically able to enjoy it.

The most important part of decorating for Christmas to me is having people to enjoy it with.

So go head decorate or don’t it’s up to you. I recommend making a memory with family and friends this holiday season. Whether it’s decorating, baking or whatever your plans are enjoy your time together.

If your alone this season reach out to another person who’s alone or invite someone over make a new memory for yourself.

Would love to hear your holiday traditions.