House vs. Home

Our crawl space was started on November 5th and ended on the 8th.  I was thinking about our house while everything in the family room was covered in plastic.  What a blessing it is to have a place to live.  But is a house a home?

When you have a place to live is that what makes a home?  No, a home is a good relationship.  When you have good healthy relationship, your home is solid.

I once had to live in a church, and I was concerned because I didn’t have a home.  A good friend said to me, “Annette you have a home you and your daughter have a good relationship.  A house is just a building a home is a relationship.”  That statement helped me to put my situation into the right perspective.  A few months later when we returned from a mission trip an apartment became available and we moved.

Through the years I’ve lived in the projects, apartments, houses small and large.  I’ve learned through life a house doesn’t define who I am.

What defines me is my character.  As a child of God Jesus is my identity and how I treat people reflects who I am.

There will always be those who have more than you and those who have less.  But how we walk with people is our legacy not what we own or possess.

Relationships that work through issues are more valuable than gold and silver.  What we own won’t go with us when we die.  But how we treated people, who we were is what will be remembered. 

Work on your relationships because their more valuable than where you live.  What makes a home is a good relationship. 

3 thoughts on “House vs. Home”

  1. Beautifully and poetically said! Wow.. how we walk with people is our legacy not what we own or possess.

    That is powerful Annette! We need to quote you and put that on a mug and sell 🙂

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