Why is knowledge power?

You’ve heard it said, “knowledge is power.”  But why is knowledge power?  Where do you go for help?

Do you first seek out a person?  Or do you run to God in prayer first and he directs you to a person, information etc…

We are facing dealing with the crawlspace repair.  The amount of money it cost would almost wipe out our savings.  So, do you wipe out your savings or do you use an equity line?

These were just a few questions we had that we were unsure of.  We prayed for wisdom.  Then I called a friend who is an assessor and is very good at budgeting.  She gave us quality advice based on facts.  We also had gone to our bank and talked to the manager before I got to talk to my friend and she also gave us the same advice based in facts.

We talked to a refinance person and got the same information.  Their knowledge helped us to make a quality decision based in facts.

If your help comes from people, make sure they are qualified to give you unbiased knowledgeable answers.  Which means “not opinion” but facts based on truth because if it’s not based in truth it’s not a fact.

I prefer to ask God to help who has all the wisdom.  He led us to call a friend, go to the bank etc. 

Psalm 121:1-2 “I will lift up my eyes to the hills-From whence comes my help?  2) My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.”

With the information we have we now can decide the best option for us based in facts and our situation.

Knowledge is power because with knowledge comes the power of good decision making.

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