Who is the keeper of your mind?

Let’s look at the mind. What exactly is the mind? Where is the mind situated? Is it in your brain or part of your heart and soul? What makes the mind function? These are some of the questions we will answer.

The brain is intriguing in its functions that are complex and detailed. But what makes the mind function? In her book ‘Who Switched off my Brain’ Dr. Caroline Leaf states, “the five senses are your contact between the external world around you and your internal world, activating the mind.”

According to Dr. Gary Collins in his book, ‘The Magnificent Mind’ “The mind does not exist in a tangible form. Instead, the mind is a word that we use to refer to human thinking, knowing and feeling.” So, the mind does not have a form but consists of a mixture of functions.

The soul comprises of the mind, will and emotions therefore, thoughts, emotions together with our choice is all connected with the mind. Your will is your choice. Your feelings are directly connected to your senses and thoughts.

You have been designed with the ability to select your thoughts; you have the capacity to accept or reject a thought. That sentence is a powerful tool to grab a hold of. Because we can stop worry, stress, or anxiety thoughts on the inception of formation.

At the beginning of a toxic negative thought, you have the power to refuse it and when you do substitute it with a healthy, positive thought that stimulates good emotions of peace and calm.

When our minds our given negative thinking or the what ifs or the how comes etc. it causes even greater stress, anxiety and fear. But your mind is simply that, it’s yours you remain the keeper of the door you permit through the senses what you experience daily.

When something cruel, bad or painful happens it is not possible for us to always stop it from happening, but we can select how we let it influence us for the rest of our life.

The bible tells us we can tear down thoughts and imaginations. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Amp “[In as much as we] refute arguments, theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One.)”

Contrary ideas that are not the character of Christ, we negate anything that is negative, hurtful, fearful, worrisome or aggravating they’re not thoughts that produce life, health and peace.

You alone are the guardian of your thoughts, if your being influenced then you will have to refute the lies. I look on it this way tell the truth to yourself if it doesn’t fall into line with God’s word then let it go, refuse the ideas and then replace them with the word of God.

The bible tells us in Philippians 4:8 NKJV “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever thigs are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.”  This means to choose to think about these things, for it produces peace. For example, today I got a shot in my right ankle I chose to consider good thoughts and think about Jesus’ which helps me at the same time get a painful shot. I refuse to be thinking about how much it hurts or complain that will make it worse. That doesn’t imply it doesn’t hurt but shifting my thoughts to this shot would keep me walking provides me with help.

You are the guardian of your mind.