Who Is The Keeper Of Your Heart?

So often we do not recognize how important protecting our hearts are. We may think that we are guarded but if it’s not through healthy boundaries it can be guarded by hardness, defense mechanisms, repressed hurts, or apathy. But to truly guard our hearts we need to be the keeper of the key to our lives. Why should we guard our hearts and what does it mean to guard your heart? What are a few ways to recognize if you are or are not guarding your heart?

Our hearts are where the issues of life flow so guarding them would be wise. The Bible says in, Proverbs 4:23 NIV “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

Proverbs 4:23 NKJV “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” The heart and mind are connected so when we want to guard our hearts, we must also examine how our thinking is affecting us. What types of thoughts have you been dwelling on? Do you reign in your negative thoughts or give them free reign?

First way to guard your heart is to be aware of your thought life. If we choose to mediate on the word of God, it helps us in our thoughts. When we are facing situations that are beyond our control staying focused on what the Word of God says will produce peace. There is a scripture that states in Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trust in You.”

Secondly, learn to recognize what steals your peace. If we learn to stop and look at the situation from a calmer place, we will recognize what we need to do. Guarding your heart isn’t about shutting down it’s about placing boundaries in your life. It is about knowing what you will allow and what you will not allow. Taking a good look at your valves, goals, and desires. Setting boundaries helps us know where we start and stop. Boundaries are necessary to guarding your heart.

I was speaking with a friend recently and said that “You’re the keeper of the Key for you!” So often we forget that we can let our yes be yes and our no be no, which is boundary making.

Keys stand for trust, responsibility, power, and authority in the scriptures but also in everyday life. We do not give our house key to just anyone it’s only those we trust. It is the same principle for our life and guarding our hearts. You are the keeper of the key to your heart and life. Set healthy boundaries and learn to say no and yes.

The door to my heart has a name and His name is Jesus, He has saved and healed my heart. The key for me is to remember “I am my beloved’s, and He is mine and His banner over me is His Love.”

I am always responsible to guard my heart from the things that would pull me away from His peace, joy, and love.

Boundaries help you to recognize the peace stealers, joy wrestlers, and love thieves.

What are your boundaries…

The Marvelous Mind & Know your thoughts!