Who are you?

Have you heard the statement “Just be you?”  If you’ve never looked at who you are or understand what you like and dislike that is a tough statement.

Be you constitutes your being honest with who you are or how you think and feel.  No masks, no hidden agendas be your real self.  Being you may also mean to be honest with yourself and others.  Not through rudeness or disrespectful but honest and sincere.

For some that is very difficult.  When I was a young woman it was difficult because of low self-esteem.  I didn’t like my natural body and truthfully wanted a different one.  But we cannot exchange our bodies completely.  However, we can change how we look at ourselves.

I saw a very short girl who couldn’t walk or breathe.  I also couldn’t run, jump or walk any distance.  As I grew older, I learned my appearance doesn’t define me, my health does not define me either.  I adopted that mindset, “fix what you can and accept what you can’t.”

Living with a disability has taught me many things but most importantly the disability doesn’t define me either.

The Bible tells us in Psalm 139:13-14 “For You formed me inward parts; You covered my in my mother’s womb. 14) I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”  We can rest in knowing God shaped and knew us in our mother’s womb.  On why one being born with disabilities I don’t know neither will I ever know.  But I understand God knows me.  Being you are learning experiences because when we grow up and develop our likes, tastes and opinions change.

Learn, investigate research try new things to see what you like and then you’ll know what you don’t like.

It’s 2020 Be you!