While you Wait…

From strength to strength…

Yesterday Sept 27th I had to have an ultrasound. Since Sept 18th when I had the cast removed from my left leg it has been blueish and cold when I’m up and moving on the knee scooter.

So, I called the doctor’s office and they said the Dr wanted an ultrasound. Since we live and hour away, I asked to have it done here. They called and set it up for 3pm.

We go and it’s the wrong order they sent over a order for my right leg. We waited while radiology calls and gets a fax for the left leg.

As we wait time ticks by… they get the new order and call me back for the ultrasound. The lady doing the ultrasound was very nice, but they can’t tell you anything.

I have it done, and it was painful, and I was very tired. She said are you supposed to wait for the Radiologist report or is Dr. office calling I said they are calling. Mind you I wasn’t thinking about the time change. She said ok and we left for home.

Since the Dr office is on Eastern Time and we are on Central time I wasn’t thinking about them being closed. After we get home my left foot and ankle hurt bad and I was exhausted I went straight to bed it helps to elevate the leg. I fell asleep woke up around 6ish central time and knew no way the Dr office was going to call especially since it’s 7ish their time.

So, we wait.  I read in the Word of God this morning in Psalm 84: 5-7 “Blessed is the man whose strength is in You whose heart is set on pilgrimage. 6)-As they pass trough the Valley of Baca, they make it a spring; 7)-They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion.”

The word baca has a few different meanings but a place of weeping is relevant to this blog. I read on the internet, “the psalmist is referring to a difficult or sorrowful place in life.” Yesterday was a difficult place in life.

Therefore, what do we do while we go through difficult periods? Difficult periods can be waiting period’s also.

I believe first we trust God in the waiting periods.  How do you trust God? It goes back to the knowing who He is and understanding his character.

I know God is faithful he’s proven over and over to me his faithfulness. So yes, it’s frustrating I would like to know if there is a blood clot or not, but I don’t.

So therefore, I trust God who does know and who cares for me.

My second thought on what to do while you wait is put your thoughts on God not the problem. When you put your thoughts on God His peace will be with you as you wait.  I speak the truth according to Gods word to my problem and  His peace guards my heart and mind.

Isaiah 26:3-4 “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in you. 4)-Trust in the LORD forever, For in Yah, the LORD, is everlasting strength.”

This could be also called from strength to strength because as you trust while you wait God strengthens your inner man. My strength comes from the Lord not me.

I’m waiting on God not man/Dr office. God is faithful. Whether it is or isn’t a clot doesn’t matter to me because either way I’ll be ok.

With God I can do all things through God who strengthens me while I wait.