What Kind of Strength Do You Need?

Where does strength come from? Are there several types of strength? How do you measure strength? These are a few questions we will look at. First there are various categories of strength. There is physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength they may vary in description but can be seen as strength.

The word strength in English means “The quality of state of being physically strong.” Being Physically strong comes through muscle mass and working the muscles. You don’t have to be tall to be strong you just have to have muscle strength to be strong physically.

Mental strength comes through endurance of learning and applying what you have learned. Even when one has a learning disability through help and training, they can learn and grow. Mental strength to me isn’t about how intelligent you are it’s about your ability to continue on and keep going. Mental strength can be seen in the attitude of not giving up and keep trying. When we give up and quit, we lose ground mentally. If it doesn’t work, try another way. After writing my definition I looked up what Wikipedia states, mental strength is “used colloquially to refer to any set of positive attributes that helps a person to cope with difficult situations.”

I also believe we can have strength physically, mentally and emotional strength to endure hardships, setbacks, failures etc. Demanding situations do affect us all differently. When one looks at hardships through the impact of our emotions it is draining. Pain produces feelings and feelings can be caused by real or imagined perspectives. Although both causes emotional upset when your emotional strength is low. Pain is a warning signal something is wrong. Emotional strength doesn’t mean you don’t feel it just means you allow your feelings/emotions, and you manage them in healthy ways. Such as when I’m sad I cry, when I’m happy I smile and laugh etc. repressing our emotions isn’t strength it’s an avoidance mechanism.

The importance of spiritual strength is found in the Word of God. Psalms 84: 5-7 “Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage, 6) As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools, 7) they go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion.”

Spiritual strength comes from a relationship with God. It not only comes from the relationship and it comes from God himself. He will infuse strength into you when you need it. It’s called grace. Grace has different qualities, and one is infused strength. The apostle Paul wrote in Philippians that he learned to be abased and to abound. He learned he could do all things through Christ who gave him strength.

I think it’ important to realize when we are weak, He is strong in us. To me real spiritual strength isn’t mustered up but comes from the abiding strength of Jesus. His strength infused into our spirit, soul and body as we ask, rely on and walk in Him.

The Valley of Baca is a place of tears and mourning. Baca means “crying” and is translated “Valley of Mourning.”  When we walk through losses of all kinds God gives strength to have ‘from strength to strength.’ As you look to Him for your strength you can be assured, He is with you and will support you and you can make it through with and in His strength. As a child of God, you are not alone He is with you always.

If you need more strength, just ask He will give you more.