What is fear?

Great question I’ve been pondering from yesterday morning.  I read Psalm 46 yesterday and that it states in verse 1 “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. V.2 Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea…”

I love the therefore we will not fear because God is our present help.  So, what is fear? According to the Dictionary fear is, “An unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger real or imagined.”

Fear can be triggered in the nervous system by our perception of danger real or imagined.  So, fear is a part of our design by God to warn us but what happens when it’s out of balance?  Phobias, worries, anxiety develop. 

God gave us a built-in alarm system once you know what fear is, I believe it’s easier to stop a fear from over taking your thinking.  By asking yourself is this real or imagined fear. Then your answer can help you to do what is necessary to overcome.  A real danger needs an answer.  Fear is a warning system that helps protect us when it’s a real danger. 

God always has a way out or through trouble.  I love that he is ever present in it with us.  God’s word tells us in 1 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”  The word states God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear.  Meaning our spirit has power, love and a sound mind.  That’s what he has given us.  Don’t let fear control you but do allow fear to warn in real danger.  Not listening to fear in real danger will cause you harm. 

Everyone experiences fear its part of our nervous system.  It’s how you respond to it that gives it or takes away its power. People who use fear to hurt others are unhealthy or commonly called toxic.  What they’re really doing is trying to control you.  Remember no one can control you unless you let them.  Don’t let their use of fear deceive you into giving them power over you.

Look at fear for what it is that it is a biological response from your nervous system to warn of danger real or imagined. That is why are thoughts are so important.  If we let fear get into our thoughts it will take over.  Speak God’s word to it.  That is why in 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul tells Timothy “For God has not given you a spirit of fear…  He was instructing Timothy to realize the place where fear was coming from.  When fear gains control all kinds of problems develop. 

God’s love cast out fear.  Rest in His love for you.  Trust His love for you because it is more powerful than your fear.  1 John 4:18 states, “there is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”  This in reference to fear that is out of balance or trying to take over.

When fear is the response of real danger, we hear it but when it comes to an imagined danger, we don’t listen to it.  This is when speaking God’s word into an imaginary fear will help you calm yourself.

Remember Jesus conquered fear and death by His love!