Username and Password



It seems like everything in our lives requires a username and password. From medical appointments to appliance repairs. You go online to look at something and immediately pops up a sign-up email and password.

Then trying to remember the passwords for all these different accounts is difficult. After all your advised not to use the same password.  I’m not sure how everyone saves theirs, but we have a system. And then if you lose that password oh boy the hassle to retrieve it. Well at least in 2019 they have a better retrieval now.

As I’m writing this blog my husband calls, he took our dog to the groomer and while he is waiting, he got my car washed. Which is very nice, but he called to say they locked the key in the car. Which is hard to do it is a keyless ignition. So, he needed the code. Lol So, I look for the code call him back and tell him. He puts it in it doesn’t work.  He does this several times. We hang up I read the back of the card call him back and tell him something to do after he puts the code in and low and behold the door opens. As I stated earlier passwords-codes are on everything.

I read today in Isaiah 43:1 “But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are mine.”

I’m so thankful God calls me by my name, and I don’t have to have a different user ID. He knows me personally and He pronounces my name correctly. My mom named me Annette pronounced Ann-ette not A-nnette. She would correct me on my own pronunciation of my name. She named me and it was important to her.

God calls me by my name, he cares about me. His password is JESUS. He is the truth, the life and the way. To go to the Father, you must know His Son. It seems so simple as I write this, but the truth is, it is simple. Call on God He knows your name. Ask Jesus into your life. He is your password into eternal life.