The Darkest Time…

The Silence


The crucifixion was yesterday, I’m afraid they’ll find us.  He’s gone!  They killed Him, the earth shook when he died, and the veil was torn.  What does all this mean?  I’m sad so extremely sad.  I cannot believe He’s gone.  He healed people I saw it with my own eyes he raised Lazarus from the dead! I saw it but now he’s gone…

What they must of have felt and thought…?  Their hopes and dreams of a better future crucified…  laying in a tomb guarded by soldiers.  It must have felt so devasting, the sorrow and pain of seeing him tortured and dying.  Oh, my heart is breaking they must of thought.

But what now?  The longest period in the history of humanity from his capture, death and subsequently silence.  The quiet is deafening the silence is terrifying, horrifying and but then to think one of the disciples betrayed him.

The silence of not actually knowing, he stated that he would come back so how, he’s dead…. the world’s darkest moment in history.

But what was happening in the silence.  In the spirit realm Jesus went to get the key to death and hades.   He conquered Satan and made a display of it.  He preached good news to people who never knew and set the captives free.

But in the physical world on the earth there remained silence an eerie deafening quiet.  Mankind had no indication that the victory was won on the cross.  People weren’t thinking about his return because the anguish, horror and sorrow remained consuming no more hope or joy just silence.   

As I have written this from my mind, I was imagining how they must have felt without knowing what tomorrow brings.  We know what tomorrow represents His resurrection, but they didn’t and in their silence was sadness, but joy was going to come in the morning for themselves and us. 

2 thoughts on “The Darkest Time…”

  1. Beautifully written! Ollie and I have talked about this very thing today. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Thank you for the comment this was on my heart while I was making my bed this morning

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