The All-Seeing Eye

God leads us with His eye! Have you ever heard of the stories of the Free Masonry’s eye in the middle of the pyramid? Well this is a story of the All-Seeing Eye of God.

Wikipedia states, “The eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol, having its origin in Christian iconography, showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle.  It represents the eye of God watching over humanity (the concept of divine providence). Although in todays age the Eye of Providence is often associated with Freemasonry, although it is originally a Christian symbol.

In Psalms 32:8 states, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will guide you with my eye.”

I love reading and learning God’s word, you can read and reread it and then if your open to His Spirit you’ll learn each time. I never seen it before sure I’ve read it countless times but this time it was speaking to me. God guides me with His eye.

The word eye in the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary in this passage means “sight, face, favor, presence, knowledge and humble…” when studying the Bible, I was taught to constantly read in context of the whole chapter among other things.

The first part of the Psalm talks about forgiveness and then verse nine states, “Do not be like the horse or like the mule which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with the bit and bridle. Else they will not come near you.”  Basically, listen and to abide by the guidance of God so that you don’t have to be led like a mule along with something you don’t like.

I thought God knows beforehand what’s ahead, He sees what we do not so allowing Him to guide will avoid a lot of bumps in the road. Also, He knows the plans and objectives He has for us.  His sight is more far reaching than ours.

Letting yourself to be guided by God’s Eye is practically the same as following his Presence.  Moses said in Exodus 33:15 “If your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.” He wasn’t going with out God’s Presence and the instructions and neither should we. That’s the same principle as the being guided by God’s Eye.

Nothing can be compared to the favor of God, listening to his voice so that you will know which direction to go provides assurance to take the necessary measures of faith needed in any situation.

God is not unconcerned with His individuals or their needs rest assured He guides and provides.  You can put your faith in Him.