Thankful Days

‘Happy Thanksgiving’ what a fun day celebrating things we are thankful for.  The food we eat and the company we keep.

Wouldn’t it be fun to make everyday Happy Thanksgiving.  Where family and friends are thankful and appreciate the time together.

But we don’t have to wait for a certain day to be thankful.  Every day is a good day to be thankful.

What a great place it would be if all of us could be thankful for what we already have instead of always looking and thinking of what we can have, get or do.

Wouldn’t be a great day if we all could ‘count our blessings’ or count our thanksgivings each day for all the little things in our day.

The Bible says to “be thankful always.”  We don’t have to wait for a holiday to be thankful.  Sometimes just expressing ‘thanks’ gives a person a smile because it shows appreciation.

Today is a good day to start being thankful.  Try it and let me know how it made you feel to start thinking of all things your thankful for.

Then try every day picking one area of your life and being thankful for it.  Pretty soon you’ll be creating a thankful habit and it will become a way of life.

Those who are already thankful everyday add to it by appreciating and telling someone what you are thankful for in them.  I’ll start with you, thank you for reading this blog I appreciate each one of you.

Let’s spread a little thanksgiving.

6 thoughts on “Thankful Days”

  1. The world most likely cannot contain all I am grateful for. Above all I thank God for what He has done for me. He’s a good good father and I can’t live without Him, His wonderful gift of Jesus and Holy Spirit!!

  2. A few years ago, I sat and made a list of all the things I could think of that I was thankful for….and just now, I looked back at that list… glad I made it!! Thankful is a great place to be! 🙂

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