How to be an overcomer in 2023

brown mountains

overcoming in 2023

Have you ever faced obstacles that seems unsurmountable? I can tell you at the time you’re in them, it feels and looks like nothing is changing and it may even seem hopeless. But one of the things I have learned throughout life is, God may seem silent, but He is always working on our behalf. There are times that I don’t have the answer of why it happened or that the outcome isn’t what I wanted but God is not as far away as you might think.

When I lost my mom, it seemed like life would never be the same and in one respect it wasn’t but my mom is in heaven pain free and that knowledge gives me hope that I will meet her there one day. Losing my sister was unexpected and a tough time but out of that tragedy God gave me a stronger relationship with my niece and nephew. Which I am so thankful for. 

Throughout my life I have learned that the Word of God is powerful and effective. That what the bible states is true in Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  When I do not understand what is happening or why it is the length of time it is, I remind myself of this scripture.  I personally like to speak out the scriptures so that I hear it when say it. It gets in the heart and mind deeper.

You may be reading this blog post and going through something so hard that you don’t understand and want to know why? We can’t answer the why all the time, but we can trust in God through Christ Jesus sacrifice for us to bring us through what ever we are going through. When I wrote this, I had been sick for weeks with on and off bronchitis but even though my lungs were congested, and my cough was rough so rough it made my eye bleed. I still could praise God in my heart and say it is well with my soul.  Because my peace comes from Christ’s peace, my joy isn’t based on my situation it is based in His joy which gives me strength. My soul is content in His love for me whether I am abased or abound I know God is with me and for me because I am His child.

How do you overcome? The answer is through Christ Jesus strength. His grace is sufficient for you. No matter what we go through God will go with us when we are His. You overcome through trusting Him, obedience to His word and abiding in Him.

You too can be an overcomer and have His peace today. How by trust, obey and abide in Him.

Trust… obey

What Are The Three ‘Starting Over’ Factors?

Are You Quieted by His Love?

What Are The Three Things You Can Do While Waiting?

I think this matter could have many different answers depending on what you’re waiting for. Are you patient or impatient? What is the benefit of waiting? When I think about waiting on something or someone it stirs in me thoughts of ‘what do I do while I wait.’ These are questions we will answer.

So, let’s see the word wait, it means “stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens,” That is kind of a general definition. Depends on what you are waiting for such as finishing a task or degree, buying a house, etc. These are events that have a time schedule but what if you’re waiting on something you don’t know when it will happen such as a major change in life or a healing. How then do you wait without giving up hope?

The first thing to do while you wait is Pray. Prayer is communication with God. There are times of prayer that we ask, seek, and knock and other times we sit still and listen. I choose to give God every situation because He knows all aspects of my situations and I do not. Prayer is petitions, intercessions and worship, believing God hears and answers our requests. I heard Joyce Meyer say these words, “Simple believing faith.” I liked that explanation because it made it practical for me. Instead of long oratorical prayers try simple believing prayers that are direct to the point. God already knows what we are thinking, and He is not judging how elegant our prayers are He’s looking on the faith connection in prayers.

The second thing to do while waiting is put your Trust in God. If you prayed about it know God heard, you. When you are a child of God, He hears your prayers. Answers do not always come instantly but God does not forget like humans do. He is completely trustworthy because God cannot lie. I choose to speak the word of God to my situations it builds my faith. Reading the Word of God daily builds our faith. As your trusting God you may get tempted to be frustrated or anxious in your wait. But choose instead to be thinking on things that are good, lovely and a good report Philippians 4:6-7 is a reassuring scripture of what we are to do. Verse 6) “Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God; 7) and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

 The third thing to do while you are waiting is Praise. You can praise God any time of the day. Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say, Rejoice!” Rejoice does not mean ‘thank him for the problem’ but thank him in the waiting by rejoicing in His goodness, sing unto the Lord a new song. Make melody in heart towards the Lord. The more you praise the lighter you will feel. I choose to cast my care unto God and remind myself He loves me and is taking care of me.

Everyone’s wait will be different but we all could wait with His grace. His grace is sufficient for each one of us. The advantage in waiting is learning to lean on Him for his strength & grace. If you fight impatience, then repent and ask for the grace to wait. Waiting is a time of growth. Enjoy your wait through prayer, trust and praise.


Dr. Annette

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“How To Avoid Being Weary” The Waiting Game…