Words that bring life or death

Which words produce life, and which produce death? The words that produce life become words of a blessing. But if they produce death, they become word curses.

What is a word curse? It can be anything spoken to you, by you or about you concerning you and your life that you believe, and it is a negative, unloving, unkind or abusive statement. Usually they are spoken by an authority or parental figure and you believe what they said. When you repeat the statements with belief, they become your reality.

God speaks life over us not death. His word is filled with good things that are truths. It is essential to know who you are in Christ so that you can refute the lies of the enemy, yourself, others, or the world. Not everything spoken to us is beneficial to us. We need to recognize what is being spoken so we can refuse to believe any lies, wrong beliefs, or harmful words (word curses) spoken to us, or by us.

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Proverbs 18:7 “A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.”

Proverbs 18:20 “A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; from the produce of his lips he shall be filled.”

Numbers Say to them, “As I live says the LORD, just as you have spoken in my hearing so I will do to you.”

Matthew 12: 36-37 “But I say to you that for every idle word man may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 37-For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Your words are producing either blessings or curses. We eat of our words! that is powerful thought. So, for a minute think on your words lately and how they made you feel. What type of words are you speaking and thinking?

Remember as a man thinketh so is he. So, your thoughts are producing blessings and curses too. Usually what we think is what is coming out of our mouths. Jesus said out of our hearts our mouths speak. The heart and mind are connected. You cannot separate heart and mind. The mind is part of your soul, the soul is the mind, will and emotions. Your heart desires which is will so you can see how intertwined they are.

To be whole we must be willing to face uncomfortable things. Wholeness is essential to overcoming all obstacles. “Obstacles are things that block one’s way, prevents or hinders progress.”

Word curses block our way because they can be subconscious and undetected, they also can attract demonic interference. (‘Interference means the action of interfering or the process of being interfered with.’)

How do you get free of word curses, negative words spoken by you or to you, or inner vows you have made to live by which are destructive to live by?

First ask God what are the negative words this is identifying them. Second renounce them and refuse them. Replace them with a truth. Ask God for the truth to replace them. Go to the Beauty for Ashes page and follow the prayer.

We used the book ‘God Therapy’ by Timothy Lane M.A. We followed his ‘God Therapy’ steps in ‘breaking word curses and unhealthy beliefs.’

Beauty For Ashes page.