Fruit Inspectors

People can say all kinds of nice things but their actions through time proves their real heart.  Bad trees don’t produce good healthy fruit.  Good trees also cannot produce bad fruit.

In Luke 6:43-45 Jesus said, “For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44) For every tree is known by its own fruit.  For men do not gather figs from thorns, no do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.  45) A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.  For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” 

We live in a world where people are deceiving.  But how do you recognize fruit in a person.  By listening to their words are they consistent in producing good fruit such as peace and life in you?  Or does it produce in you hurt and anxiety that means their fruit is bad.

Also look at their character.  Are they responsible, faithful, hardworking, honest, trustworthy in their actions?  Do their words match their actions? If not then their fruit is bad, toxic and harmful.

Jesus warned us about bad fruit.  Stop for a moment and see what habitual fruit do they have?

A mistake is a sincere accident it doesn’t get justified and you purpose not to do it again.  But habitual actions and words aren’t a mistake it’s bad character flaws. That is bad fruit.

People say we are not supposed to judge.  But looking for true good fruit is essential to a healthy life.  It’s not judging it’s inspecting for quality fruit.

Businesses have quality control inspectors.  The control isn’t like a controlling person it is inspecting to make sure there is quality because bad quality causes the company failure.

Unfortunately, with people their bad, negative, and harmful character is what they really are.  Inspect and look at it with eyes open to truth.

Truth can withstand inspection.  Good fruit can be looked at without hesitation but bad fruit hates to be uncovered and that’s a red flag.

Red flags are warnings listen to those warnings. 

Ask God for help to make a step-in wholeness.  We believe in the best for people but being naive will only stop you from seeing truth when dealing with bad fruit people.  Unhealthy people with bad fruit take advantage of naive people. 

We need to be fruit inspectors so that we stay on the road of wholeness.