Three Things to Know About Detour’s

Well, it is that time of year in the U.S. for road construction, it’s not a bad thing because our roads need it, but it can be inconvenient. I was on my way to get my hair done and the road I usually take is closed so I had to take a detour. As I was travelling out of my way because of the detour I thought of life and how we plan our destinations and sometimes in life there are detours to our plans. It does not mean you won’t get there it just may be not the road or time you choose. Sometimes roads close and there is not a detour sign, so you must make a detour for yourself. Life is like that too but how you look and think about it does affect the course you take.

glowing signboard with inscription placed on city road in evening time

take a detour

How we manage those detours in life decides what we do in the meantime. One thing to know about life’s detours or even a construction detour is there usually not convenient. They also can catch us by surprise. And they may add extra time to the travel.

First thing to know about detours is our attitude affects us. You may be one who is not happy when delayed and it affects you, but patience is a good fruit for all of us to walk in. So, I recommend taking a deep breath and following the signs. God’s word tells us in James that when patience has its full work, we become mature and complete. James 1:4 “Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

The second thing to know about detours is being flexible. When we become rigid in our thinking or plans, we can lose out on the unexpected blessings in the detour of life. It is a good thing to be pliable in the hands of God. Sometimes delays and detours shape our character as we go with the obstacles and make the best of it. Although we don’t like everything changing, change can be a good.  

The third thing to know about the detours in life is to trust God in helping you to go through that detour. Some detours are longer than others. Short detours are a little easier to deal with but the longer the detour hang on to the Lord, seek His peace and presence. He knows what is ahead and will bring you through.