Today is a new day!

A New Day

Every day is a completely new day. The bible says, “Today is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Each day is a new day although each day may not have pleasant things happening. We affect our day through our hearts and minds. No matter what happens our thoughts and attitudes towards events will affect our day.

But even at the worst of days we can go through the time with and by the Grace of God. You will be able to make it through whatever you are facing once you face it with and in the Grace of God.

Whether it’s a loss, disappointments, breakup or health problems etc. your day can be faced, expressed and walked through with help. God provides The Grace to go through along with you. Jesus said I will be with you always.

You can say today is the day the Lord has made. It’s a new day only you determine your outlook on your day. I choose to look to the Lord Jesus and His Grace every day. He’s the reason I’m alive today!

Let your day begin with a good morning Lord and finish with a thank you God for this day. Your outlook has a great deal to do with how you live and react to events and others. When there is pain or trauma, we must let it out by giving it a voice, but then we need to get healed from it. So that your days will not be driven by the past but are focused on your future.

God wants to heal the hurts of the past because He has a hope and future for you. What exactly is your hope in? The Father’s Daughters: Affirmation, Acceptance and Affection (9798705629275): Melton, Dr. Annette: Books

What are Strongholds and Roots?

What is a stronghold? Where are they erected? How do we pull them down? What is the difference between strongholds and roots?

The Holy Spirit spoke to me years ago “When there are bad roots in our lives such as rejection, shame, fears, etc. you have to first pull-down the stronghold protecting the root or roots, to be able to uproot the bad root’s so you then may be able to live in freedom.”

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 AMP “For though we walk (live) in the flesh we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. 4) For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh & blood] but they are mighty before God, for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds. 5) [In as much as we]refute arguments, theories, and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true]knowledge of God, and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ(the Messiah, the Anointed One.)”

What is a stronghold? I thought years ago the stronghold was the action, habits or behaviors that you can’t control but no that is just fruit. The stronghold is the thoughts, arguments, theories and reasonings we use to uphold and defend our actions, habits and behaviors. So, the real strongholds remain the beliefs, thoughts and views that validate our actions, habits and behaviors.

Thayer’s Greek English Lexicon “a stronghold is what one uses to fortify and defend a personal belief, idea or opinion against outside opposition. A Stronghold is the fortification around and defense of what you believe especially when you are wrong.”

I used to think a stronghold was a habit, action or addiction that you cannot stop on your own. But we must understand the action is just the fruit of the stronghold.

The stronghold is the thoughts, arguments, theories and reasonings we use to uphold and validate our actions, habits, behaviors.

Strong’s Greek Dictionary Stronghold: “To Fortify, through the idea of holding safely; a castle (fig: argument: stronghold)”

Webster’s Dictionary stronghold “1) a fortress 2) an area dominated or occupied by a special group”

Since we now know exactly what a stronghold is, we need to answer where are they, the answer is they’re in the mind and heart.

The mind is like a rudder to a ship it steers the body. We usually feel or think before we do. I’ve heard it said an addict relapses in their mind before they relapse physically. This statement lets you know how important your thoughts are.

Strongholds protect roots (the arguments, theories and opinions) that validate the behaviors or actions need to be removed so that the original ‘root problem’ can be dealt with. You can choose to change how you think but if the original (root problem) hurt, pain, or trauma is repressed then it will surface in all kinds of unhealthy behaviors, actions and attitudes etc.

Root “3) a support: base 4) an essential part or element: core A primary source or origin.” Roots “To become firmly settled or entrenched…”

God’s Word states in Jeremiah 1:10 “See, I have this day appointed you to the oversight of the nations and the kingdoms to root out and pull down; to destroy and over throw; to build and to plant.”

By the power of the Holy Spirit we are going to begin to pull down strongholds (the beliefs, theories, opinions and arguments that are contrary to God’s way & word) so that we can up-root bad and unhealthy roots (root problems) in our lives and then plant healthy seeds which will make healthy roots. The word of God is the seeds of truth we are going to sow and plant in our minds, hearts and lives.

Take a moment and look at your life where are you concerning acceptance? Do you feel accepted or are you struggling with feelings and thoughts of worthlessness? Do you speak well about yourself? If your answer is no, then it’s time to let the Holy Spirit show you what reasonings, theories, and opinions  (strongholds) that are validating your behaviors, actions, habit’s or addictions to medicate yourself to feel accepted. Or the words you are repeating in your head to continue to feel worthless. When we feel or think we are worthless it comes from a hurt, pain, trauma that must be healed.

Unhealthy roots (root problems) develop when we repress hurts, traumas or pain from our past. They can form into unhealthy ways of coping. All pain needs to be voiced when we deny hurt a voice, we push it down, but nothing stays down it always comes to the surface in ways that we least expect. These are the roots (root problem) that need to be healed.

My prayer for you: Dear Heavenly Father through your Holy Spirit uncover the strongholds (thoughts, theories and opinions) that are defending & validating the behaviors, attitudes or actions and I pray you heal each person reading this to feel accepted. Lord remove any blinders to the truth of who you are and bring clarity and healing to the pain and hurt that is causing unacceptance in Jesus name. Amen Who is the keeper of your mind? The Marvelous Mind & Know your thoughts!

What is fear?

Great question I’ve been pondering from yesterday morning.  I read Psalm 46 yesterday and that it states in verse 1 “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. V.2 Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea…”

I love the therefore we will not fear because God is our present help.  So, what is fear? According to the Dictionary fear is, “An unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger real or imagined.”

Fear can be triggered in the nervous system by our perception of danger real or imagined.  So, fear is a part of our design by God to warn us but what happens when it’s out of balance?  Phobias, worries, anxiety develop. 

God gave us a built-in alarm system once you know what fear is, I believe it’s easier to stop a fear from over taking your thinking.  By asking yourself is this real or imagined fear. Then your answer can help you to do what is necessary to overcome.  A real danger needs an answer.  Fear is a warning system that helps protect us when it’s a real danger. 

God always has a way out or through trouble.  I love that he is ever present in it with us.  God’s word tells us in 1 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”  The word states God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear.  Meaning our spirit has power, love and a sound mind.  That’s what he has given us.  Don’t let fear control you but do allow fear to warn in real danger.  Not listening to fear in real danger will cause you harm. 

Everyone experiences fear its part of our nervous system.  It’s how you respond to it that gives it or takes away its power. People who use fear to hurt others are unhealthy or commonly called toxic.  What they’re really doing is trying to control you.  Remember no one can control you unless you let them.  Don’t let their use of fear deceive you into giving them power over you.

Look at fear for what it is that it is a biological response from your nervous system to warn of danger real or imagined. That is why are thoughts are so important.  If we let fear get into our thoughts it will take over.  Speak God’s word to it.  That is why in 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul tells Timothy “For God has not given you a spirit of fear…  He was instructing Timothy to realize the place where fear was coming from.  When fear gains control all kinds of problems develop. 

God’s love cast out fear.  Rest in His love for you.  Trust His love for you because it is more powerful than your fear.  1 John 4:18 states, “there is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”  This in reference to fear that is out of balance or trying to take over.

When fear is the response of real danger, we hear it but when it comes to an imagined danger, we don’t listen to it.  This is when speaking God’s word into an imaginary fear will help you calm yourself.

Remember Jesus conquered fear and death by His love!

The Marvelous Mind & Know your thoughts!

What is your mind and how do you know your thoughts?  Knowing what’s the function of your mind helps you to know your thoughts.  These are questions that will help you to overcome and become conscious of your thoughts.

Randomly letting your mind wander in any and every direction can lead you down the negative paths of fear, anxiousness, and overthinking.  Then your mind will dwell there and finally produce depressing thoughts and emotions.

Knowing what’s on your mind is a way of recognizing the thinking and adjusting those thoughts in the onset.  It takes some practice but when we choose to refocus on healthy, positive or uplifting things redirecting becomes a habit.

For example, last night I woke up four times and it took me longer than normal to go back to sleep.  As I laid there a strange thought about life and death came to my mind.  I started to think about our health, ages etc. and then I said to myself ‘wait a minute I’m not thinking this way.’  It left as quickly as it came.  Those weren’t my normal thoughts an enemy of my soul tried to make me fearful I refused it.  This is just a small example of how out of nowhere you can think thoughts that don’t originate in you and if they do you still can refuse those thoughts.

The mind consists in three functions “thinking, feeling and wanting” or another way to say it “thoughts, emotions and desires.”

Your thought, emotions and desires are connected.  When we know our thoughts and choose on what we want to think on we will begin to redirect our thoughts and emotions.  Over thinking, analyzing, turns into fretting and descends into emotions of distress, anxiousness, fear, unhappiness and depression etc.

The Bible teaches us to keep our mind on good things, pure things and good reports.

This Bible passage teaches us how to not be anxious.  Through prayer and thanksgiving give it over to God.  In Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be  made known to God; 7) And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”   When we take these anxious, worrisome thoughts and give them and all the areas there concerning us to God His response is peace.  Only His peace can guard the heart and mind.  Jesus purchased peace for us, and peace of heart and mind is part of it.

I like how the Bible tells us how to apply it by thinking on these things in Philippians 4:8 states, “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praise worthy meditate on these things.”

Meditate here means just that, turn it around in your thoughts all these good things.

Another good scripture that I like to lean on is found in Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You.”  Once again, a promise of perfect peace with a practical application.  I love how practical God is.

Why so we can have peace.  Peace on the inside with our thoughts/thinking, emotions/feelings and desires/wants.  Truly our minds are marvelous.

When we ‘know are thoughts’ we’re recognizing what we are thinking and then we will begin changing our wrong thinking quicker.

What does that mean to me this means when we recognize our thoughts and take accountability for them in our thinking, we can change how we’re thinking.  You have a choice on what you think on.


Is there a benefit to journaling?  And if there is what are the benefits of journaling.  I love to journal it gives me a sense of direction, a release of thoughts and emotions too.

Jeremiah 30:2 “Thus speaks the LORD God of Israel, saying; ‘Write in a book for yourself all the words that I have spoken to you.’”

Why would God tell Jeremiah to write in a book for himself everything God said?  I believe so that Jeremiah would have a book/journal to look at and remember all that God said and did.  Especially when it looked like nothing had changed or wasn’t getting better.

Psalm 103:1-5 “Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! 2) Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits; 3) Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all  your disease, 4) Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, 5) Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

This Psalm describes what God does for his people.  I love the “forget not all His benefits” part because we forget so writing it down helps us to remember.  Another reason why I journal.

Journaling is healthy for all. Unless your environment is abusive then journaling could be dangerous.  If so, write it and throw it away it gets out the emotions and that are built up.

For those who don’t have to be concerned about someone using their journal against them I recommend keeping a journal because it has several benefits.

First benefit, you can write your feelings, prayers and praise reports.

Second benefit, it helps you to get your emotions and thoughts out and it helps to see what you’re thinking plus sometimes it brings you clarity.

Thirdly, it keeps you moving forward.  When I have a goal, I write it down and the steps I will use to accomplish it.  This helps me to stay focused and moving forward.

Builders use blueprints to see the plan and check their next step.  Journals can be same. I like to write all my thoughts the good and bad and then I can see where I’m at.

Our hearts can deceive us so when I write it down, I know if my heart is off track.  Then the Holy spirit directs me back.  (He’ll do this without writing too. God has a way of letting us know where we are at.)

Today take a moment and write out your thoughts and see your heart.  I tell people don’t be religious in your journals. God already knows what you’re really thinking so be real and allow yourself to be free in your journal.

As you express yourself freely you will begin to develop an awareness of your emotions and thoughts.  Then you’ll begin to recognize quicker the negative, anxious or fearful patterns that knock us out of peace.

Try journaling for a month and look back after the month is over to see your growth in recognizing your thoughts and emotions.