Peace in the storm…

Today is a period in our history where nearly all nations have been affected by the corona virus.  How can we keep our peace and continue to be vigilant in all our social distancing?

One way to do this is to trust Almighty God for the responses to our issues.  I once heard Joyce Meyer say, “Trust requires unanswered questions.”  Basically, we’re all in a wait-and-see mode until this is over and life has returned to the normal daily routine.  I personally trust God for every day through his word and peace.  I have been living by this ‘if you do not have peace don’t do it’.  In Philippines the fourth chapter is tells us His peace will surpass our understanding.  So, don’t waste too much time trying to figure out what will never get to know.

Secondly, now the time has come to get in touch with the people in your house through conversations, board games, e-learning, free virtual tours of museums, card games, dice games, electronic games.  Have meals together at the table and then let the kids have the chance to discuss their thoughts and worries if necessary.

Thirdly, practice patience with your household members.  Give each other grace because we are all faced with this situation.  Tempers could get ruffled easier in accordance with the anxiety give each other mercy.  Provide each other with the space needed.  Pray as a family, practice stress reducing breathing, get exercise at home or get outside when the weather allows.  It’s a great time to do the spring-cleaning chores make up a list check it off at the same time as you get it done.

Before this virus lives as usual had the meme of people simply looking at their phones.  Now is the moment to change it to people connecting via conversations and family activities at home.

If your single-and are staying alone at home call someone, reach others via emails, texting, social media.  Play solitaire games, download mind games, do a puzzle, watch a movie.  While it may seem like your all alone to recall the world is going all through this together.

If Jesus can sleep through a substantial storm in a vessel filling with the waves so can we through the Covid-19 storm.  This post has been written to encourage everyone of us we are in this together even though we are in our own homes.  All around the globe we are fighting against the same thing.  May you sense God’s peace in this storm.  My heart and the prayers go out to the people who have lost their loved ones due to this terrible virus.   

The COVID-19 Tactic

The COVID-19 tactic is ‘social distancing.’ Are you reacting with faith and obedience or fear?

This is the scripture I read today in Psalm 34:4 “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

And this verse of scripture has been on my heart for a few days Romans 13:1-2 “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2)Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.”

Today March 15, 2020 we chose to remain at home from the church building.  I thank God for his knowledge to observe the “social distancing” are President, the CDC and health care community has advised.

I have been reading some goofy stuff on Facebook relating to the Covid-19 pandemic and it concerns me.

People who believe this is a hoax are not taking the fatalities and sickness to be serious and they are propagating lies.  It’s not a hoax our President and his team wouldn’t make a request for the U.S. citizens to stay at home, close schools etc. if the situation wasn’t serious.

I’ve also heard political commentary on this as though their own opinion was fact founded and it’s not.  Stop blaming the press for the virus maybe they did spread fear, but at the same time they didn’t make a virus.

I’ve also noticed jokes some hilarious particularly about the toilet paper stockpiling and some straightforward disturbing.

I’ve also noticed panic grip the minds of individuals to the point of not worried if they purchase everything and nobody else gets the supplies they require.  Panic is fear and worry gripping the soul into extreme behaviors.

My spouse and I have been prepared, praying and then we will be using the wisdom of God to stay at home.  Please understand that this is not a hoax, wash your hands and maintain some distance to ensure that you don’t become sick.  And if your immune system is strong you don’t transmit the virus to others.

Schools are closed for a reason not a hoax.  It is a novel virus which means that it’s a new virus, there is currently not a vaccine and they’re not sure what’s next. 

So, let’s hear the Medical professionals such as the CDC, take into account COVID-19 task force and do what is necessary to help our communities through social distancing and not circulating the COVID-19 virus.