Three Areas of Rejection:

The three areas of rejection are people, self and God.  In those three categories are countless ways and why we experience rejection.  These three areas of refusal entail all kinds of subtitles like jobs, auditions, family etc.

Life encompasses so many different areas of a person’s lifetime from birth to death.  “Life is the dash mark in the gravestone.”  But in life we all face challenges.  How we approach a challenge determines our outcome internally and realistically.

‘The Rejection Connection’ article I wrote on this blog has shown us everyone faces rejection at some point in their life.  It also discussed how to handle rejection in a healthy way.

But now I want to break down these three areas of rejection. Because we are either accepted or not which is rejection.  There are different levels of rejection from applying for a job to the hurt of a breakup.  How you handle rejection can determine your outlook towards others, yourself and even God.

Rejection doesn’t feel good for anyone because with rejection comes disappointment and hurt.  If you turn the rejection inward it can become despondency and situational depression.  If you haven’t read the “Rejection Connection” it will help you to process unresolved rejection.

People rejection consists of anything you wanted or tried, and then you didn’t get the opportunity you wanted or a person you thought you loved etc.  People rejection is all around us from simple situations to complex relationships.  But the truth is sometimes not getting what we thought we wanted turns out better for us.

Self-rejection has a profound effect on our physical and psychological wellbeing.  When we do not accept ourselves, it clouds our vision of others.  Real or perceived rejection stings but self-rejection will affect our outlook on life, love and relationships.  Take necessary steps to learn and just like yourself so that you no longer reject yourself for whatever real or perceived reasons.  Forgive yourself for your mistakes.  If you need some help to overcome seek wise counsel that will help to walk you through whatever holds you back from liking yourself.

God rejection isn’t a truth.  God created man he doesn’t reject us he may not like your behavior and there are consequences to our wrong behaviors, but he loves you.  He sent his son to die so you could have eternal life with him, so God rejection is just perceived rejection.  Unfortunately, the perceived rejection can hurt and feel just as much as real rejection.

I recommend doing what I wrote in the “rejection connection.”   “The third way some people handle rejection is, to identify it, let it out, forgive and move on.” 

“To identify it means recognize the anxiety, hurt or frustration over the rejection.  Let it out means talk to someone or journal the hurt and release the emotion of it, cry if need be.”  “Then choose to forgive who or whatever the cause of rejection was.”

No matter the kind of rejection that you are facing you will be able to walk in freedom from it.