Meekness isn’t Weakness…

What is meekness and then why would you desire that character trait?

“Meekness definition is the quality of state of being meek: a mild, moderate, humble or submissive quality.” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

“Meekness is an attribute of human nature and behavior. It has been defined several ways: righteous, humble, teachable, and patient under suffering, long suffering willing to follow gospel teaching, an attribute of a true disciple.” Wikipedia

Somebody who is meek does not necessarily have to be a disciple of Christ although one who is a follower must be willing to let God cultivate the character of meekness into their lives.

People can sense peaceful, calm and meekness inside someone. Meekness does not constitute a weakness it is strength in control. Have you ever talked to a person and you are able to sense and view their stressed?

We can be the ear or shoulder so to say for them to be shared with.  When we are meek, we do not absorb other people’s issues but as one who because of meekness, sensibleness and calmness can be a calming voice of reason.

You may be thinking exactly how we can walk in the meekness when chaos is all over.  We walk and mature in meekness in the same way as Jesus did. He kept his sight and thinking about the Father’s will for his life. He didn’t allow people to distract his purpose. Remember meekness is strength controlled. A meek person isn’t a weak person.

When the circumstances are in turmoil, we can choose to ask God for help. Speak to the Holy Spirit and ask what he desires you to say or do.  Just because you might know something, doesn’t mean the individual is ready to hear you.

When someone is living in meekness, peace and calmness they remain in focus and control their responses.  Lots of times when there are people in turmoil, they’re in a reactive stance.  Sometimes this is because of having been triggered. This is when we must step back when it occurs to see or think have, I reacted or responded.

Responses have been made by choice. Reactions are usually quick and explosive. They are derived from unresolved hurts, pain, traumas or abuses.  When we do not address the pain from earlier experiences, and we repress them the thing will surface when triggered.

If you wish to be free you must face the inward things that you suppressed.

Meekness is not weakness because meekness is a power to face problems that arise in our lives. Meekness is being developed through trials and living experiences.  We all have the option in situations you will select your responses or react. 

Allow God to create meekness by your life experiences in place of repressing your hurts allow him to heal them. If you wish to move past reactions to deciding your responses, then reach out to somebody or contact me to go through inner healing.  

I know God is for me and everything I face or walk through He goes along with me. Do I like going through difficult things no I don’t think anybody does? But as we walk through stuff our character becomes tested and refined. Meekness is strength in control of our responses.