Fearful or Fearless…

In this season of everyone’s life fear has tried to grip the hearts of many people.  A healthy fear gives you wisdom during the Covid-19 pandemic to social distance, wash your hands for 20 seconds and be mindful when you must go the store for supplies.

Being fearful may be causing you to stay in a stressed manner.  Which then may cause your body’s immune system be compromised.  Anxiety and worry constitute a form of fear.  We cannot afford to allow our minds to dwell on the worries because it only causes you to remain focused on it.  It is vital to speak the truth to yourself.

Like for example ‘I have faith God will bring me through this.’  Find a scripture which speaks to you and recite the scripture to build your faith.  We must speak the Word of God to build our faith. 

“Perfect love casts out fear.”  What does it mean?  This means to have a better understanding of the love God has for you will push out any fears of what has been happening or what will happen.  This isn’t naive this is about the guarantee in who God is.

Fearless means that you’re not dwelling on terror or allowing yourself to be controlled by fear.  Fearless means your living in wisdom but not arrogance.  Your deeds are courageous, confident and bold.

Yesterday I was reading in Psalm 32:7 it states, “You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.”  It doesn’t say he takes you out of the trouble but he ‘preserves’ you from the trouble.  Preserve according to Webster’s Dictionary means, “to keep safe from injury, harm or destruction; protect. Keep uphold, save, sustain.” 

We can be fearless in a time of uncertainty with out being arrogant.  I read a Facebook quote that said “I trust God, but I wear my seatbelt…”  Trusting God doesn’t mean we arrogantly touch stuff and act foolish.  That is just goofy. 

I was speaking with my friend about this scripture and as I was talking, I sensed the anointing that God is creating over us through songs of deliverance.  Sometimes you’ll wake up with a song on your heart, that is God pronouncing over you through songs of deliverance.  When God speaks, he creates.  He creates over you with songs of deliverance.

Zephaniah 3:17(NLT) “For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears.  He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

Allow the songs to birth courage and confidence to trust Almighty God in this uncertain time.  Choose being fearless over fearful.