Two ways to know your Plan?

I think plans are good it is important to understand what you are doing and how to make it happen. That could pertain to all areas of life. Every personality is not happy with making plans some individuals like to be more spontaneous. Plans may be as simple as a grocery list or making life goals. I personally like having plans. It helped in finishing my education.

Today while reading the Word of God I was quickened with this scripture. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I love that God has a plan for each one of us. This thought gives me the strength and grace to succeed in life. Sometimes I will make a plan, but it does not always succeed but when my plans are in the Lords hands his plans always prosper.

If you are thinking as you read this well, I just do not know the plan. I to have been in your shoes. But God has a way of telling or showing us his plan.

One way God tells us his plan for us is the desires in your heart. The things you would love to do but think you cannot, and it does not go away. I would encourage you to take that step. Sure, it is a little scary, but you will know after you start. You may be thinking but what if I fail but what if you don’t.

When I started this blog, I had no idea what to do or what it would look like etc. But I knew I had a desire to write. So, I researched how to do a blog and thought about what I would like to write on which led me to relationships, life and love. It is the topic I taught and counseled on the most. So, I took a step!

Another way to know your plan is through prayer. The best plans can take time so bath your plans in prayer. Seek out Gods plans he will reveal them to you. Many years ago, I wrote a couple manuscripts that I never did anything with. Never thought about publishing them until now. I recently finished a book, and I will publish it. The proofreader is done, and the graphic designer is working on the cover and back. I am excited about this, but I would not have taken the step if I had not been encouraged to produce a product.  

I have said all this to inspire you to make a plan and take a step. Think big, investigate whatever it takes to carry out your goal then push through to make it happen. Give yourself grace too because somedays are harder than others.

Most importantly do not give up on your dreams. If it does not happen now the directive does not mean it will not. It might not be the right timing but that does not mean it is not going to happen. Just keep encouraging yourself with the Word of God.

I do realize though it takes a step no matter what it is in life you still must start somewhere. So, keep planning keep dreaming and doing the steps needed to make your plan and dreams come true.

Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV “for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Numbering Your Days…

Are you numbering your days? When I keep thinking about accomplishing goals or plans, I usually write them down first. I like lists. I will still make a list of chores for myself. It helps me to get them done. If your struggling in accomplishing things or simply are not where you would like to be start numbering your days.

The bible states in Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:17 “And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us; And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.” In context of the entire psalm Moses was praying the prayer and its basis is in God’s eternal existence, judgements, and God’s returning favor to his people.

But when I happened to be reading this psalm verse 12 and 17 just spoke to me regarding when we want to be productive but are not sure how to obtain the motivation. I self-talk the truth to myself. This will contribute to motivate the accomplishments.

God has a particular purpose for each one of us. We are given talents and gifts that are motivationally within us. Sometimes we do not actually know them because we have not been taught how to identify them.

Your dreams or visions for your life are usually linked to those motivational gifts and talents. I will use myself as an example. When I was a child my mom said my friends and I would be playing school and I was always the teacher. The motivational gift to teach was put in me from birth but I needed to take the necessary steps to learn and use the teaching gift. This occurs naturally although I needed knowledge and learning to number my days through education and practical input through others helped to further develop the teaching gift.

So, learning and applying something that you love to achieve is a way of numbering your days. Following are three areas to help us to number our days.

First, in numbering your days is ‘know your purpose.’  The word purpose means “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”

You were created by God for relationship with him. Your purpose as a child of God is beneficial to your growth and wellbeing. Outside of relationship with God is empty and lifeless. In Jesus is life, meaning, and purpose.

Your purpose is connected to your dreams, aspirations, or vision. It is also connected to your gifts and callings. Which is a part of your motivational giftings.

Look at what you love and enjoy doing. Examples such as, singers love to sing, writers love to read and write. Comics love to make people laugh.

Secondly, to number your days ‘organize.’ Organize means “making arrangements or preparations for.”

Organize your day. Think about what is needed for that day and then choose what will be done.

Organize your workload. This also goes along with organizing your day. Prioritize what is the most important and do those first. Look at what is not important and if it is not accomplished it will not cause a problem.

Organize your time, energy, and fun. Time is the same allotment for each day and can be broken down into ingredients to balance your day with work, rest, and fun.

Thirdly, to number your days prepare. The word prepare means “make (something) ready for use or consideration. Just about everything takes preparing. Cooking, laundry, work, life etc. To achieve your goals in life it is useful to prepare with what is necessary for the goal. Investigate what is necessary to accomplish your dream or goal.

We all must start somewhere preparation includes all aspects of your life. When you are thinking about numbering your days, I believe that symbolizes being purposeful like having the plan or to do list. Organizing is getting arrangements or preparations for whatever needs accomplished or whatever I have intended to accomplish. Whether it is a daily idea or a lifelong dream it will take a vision which is a plan.

You do not need to have the whole plan to begin. Start with whatever you have and prayerfully ask God for the next step. Begin to number your days in which you may have a heart of wisdom.