How to navigate the seasons of time.

scenic view of the forest during sunrise

What type of season are you in and how do you traverse through it? How, do we know when a season begins and ends? I have always related seasons to the four seasons of nature. But recently I came across a short reel on Facebook and the young preacher mentioned twenty-eight seasons found in Ecclesiastes. Which was a ‘oh yea’ moment because I have talked about the time to weep and time to laugh, I guess I never really thought about them as seasons.

What is a season? It is a period of a specific time in life. Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Throughout our life seasons change, and we look at the time periods based on the good and bad that happens. But if we judge each season by our own understanding, we can miss the goodness of God in the season of change we are in. Most people do not like unexpected change. It is one thing to choose to change and another to have it thrust on us.

Ecclesiastes 3: 2-8 “A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted; 3) A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5) A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6) A time to gain, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away; 7) A time to tear, and a time to sew; A time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8) A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace.”

No matter the time and season we are in we can be assured as God’s children He will direct our paths. Even when we do not understand what is happening and cannot answer the whys and why nots God is still in it with us. Recognizing the season, we are in is helpful to staying in peace when we have unanswered questions. God does not always tell us all the whys because then we would not have to trust Him.

Life does go through seasons the way we navigate seasons can help us or hinder us.  The first thing to do is put your trust in Jesus, he will not leave you nor forsake you. Trusting God means you are relying on Him for your life and for His direction. It does not mean you do not do anything it means your surrendering your decisions to Him and trusting His word to lead and guide you. Trusting God means I let go of worrying about the outcome. I let go of trying to figure out what I cannot humanly know. 

The second thing in navigating through seasons of life is having patience.  That is not an excuse to do nothing it means having a good disposition while you wait. Within the scripture passage in Ecclesiastes there are good seasons which we all enjoy.  They also need navigating because seasons change so enjoying, saving and building through it helps us to be prepared when the season changes.

Patience is one of those words no one likes to hear but it is so necessary to growth. We will not become mature without it. Let patience work in you a good disposition as you wait because Christlikeness is being developed within you.

I asked how we know when a season begins and ends.  That is a hard question to answer because it is different for each one of us. A season can be a long or brief period. The end of a season is factored by God and how we grow through what we are going through. God does not cause the terrible things that happen we live in a fallen world, but we can trust in His Sovereignty and care as we go through each season, we are in.

No matter what season you are in you can be assured God will go through it with you.

How to know if you are walking in the Spirit Part 4

close up photo of a cherry fruits


The way to know whether you or someone else is walking in the Spirit is by the fruit it produces. This week we are looking at the fruit and word ‘patience.’ This word is found in Galatians 5:22-23 “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23) gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” It is interesting to me that this is mentioned in the bible in many different passages, and with the use of another word such as ‘waiting on God.’

Waiting on God takes patience, I have heard it said don’t ask for patience because then you’ll have to go through trails. That is not what the word says. It tells us that we must add to our faith and that as we have patience we will become mature. If we have no trials, how do you know if we are growing in patience?

James 1: 2-4 “Brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

What does the word patience mean? It means “The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.” Cambridge Dictionary “The ability to wait or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed.”

Well now that we know exactly what patience looks like, how do we apply patience in situations? I personally think we need to step back in our thinking when a situation is out of our control and speak truths to yourself. I speak the word of God to myself to remind myself God is in control.  My trust is not in the situation it is in Almighty God who works on my behalf. I trust my life to my Lord and Savior. It is important to step back emotionally so that we can hear clearly and make wise decisions. I do this by speaking truths to myself concerning whatever situation it is.

On Thursday, a friend and I were in a car accident. I was not driving she was cut off in the roundabout and had to apply her breaks it was icy and the person behind us could not stop. This young girl was shaken as we too, but we were gracious and patient with her. Being older and having experienced an accident before we managed to bring comfort with our words and actions. We had to wait for the police and wait through insurance calls.  With all of that going on it was important for us to have patience. Being calm in stressful situations brings peace to the situation.

My friend’s car unfortunately was damaged and now she will have to wait for it to be repaired. I was looking sideways talking to her when we were cut off and then hit so I have a mild whiplash, so I have a waiting also as I heal. All of that is just one experience of patience in action.

As we go through life, we all have different opportunities to develop and walk out patience. If you struggle with patience know that when you are His child, He is always working on conforming you into Christlikeness and we know Jesus walked in patience. Jesus endured opposition, difficulties and pressure on all sides such as family, religious and cultural pressure. Plus, He was tortured, spit upon and carried the sins of the world without complaint. The Bible says He was tempted in all areas but sinned not.

Since patience is a part of the fruit of the Spirit you will know then by that fruit if you are walking and being led by the Spirit. This aspect is a practical way in understanding the importance of our actions, attitudes and words. What we do and say truly does affect those around us and this is a byproduct of either our flesh or the Spirit.

Three Things to Know About Detour’s

Well, it is that time of year in the U.S. for road construction, it’s not a bad thing because our roads need it, but it can be inconvenient. I was on my way to get my hair done and the road I usually take is closed so I had to take a detour. As I was travelling out of my way because of the detour I thought of life and how we plan our destinations and sometimes in life there are detours to our plans. It does not mean you won’t get there it just may be not the road or time you choose. Sometimes roads close and there is not a detour sign, so you must make a detour for yourself. Life is like that too but how you look and think about it does affect the course you take.

glowing signboard with inscription placed on city road in evening time

take a detour

How we manage those detours in life decides what we do in the meantime. One thing to know about life’s detours or even a construction detour is there usually not convenient. They also can catch us by surprise. And they may add extra time to the travel.

First thing to know about detours is our attitude affects us. You may be one who is not happy when delayed and it affects you, but patience is a good fruit for all of us to walk in. So, I recommend taking a deep breath and following the signs. God’s word tells us in James that when patience has its full work, we become mature and complete. James 1:4 “Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

The second thing to know about detours is being flexible. When we become rigid in our thinking or plans, we can lose out on the unexpected blessings in the detour of life. It is a good thing to be pliable in the hands of God. Sometimes delays and detours shape our character as we go with the obstacles and make the best of it. Although we don’t like everything changing, change can be a good.  

The third thing to know about the detours in life is to trust God in helping you to go through that detour. Some detours are longer than others. Short detours are a little easier to deal with but the longer the detour hang on to the Lord, seek His peace and presence. He knows what is ahead and will bring you through.

Three Things Required To Be An Overcomer


I was thinking today of what it takes to overcome obstacles in our lives, to achieve our goals and carry out our dreams.

For the last five months I have been studying for a large test. On Saturday 21st I passed the test. Praise God!  What is success to you? What is the cost of success and what motivates you to carry out your goals? These are a few of the questions we will look at along with the three things needed to be an overcomer.

To overcome something there must be a fight to push on. What motivates you to push on in life? For me it is my faith in God. He gives me the grace to go on.  What motivates a person to carry out their goals I believe is perseverance, faithfulness and a steadfast spirit.

When you want to finish a task what is your mindset? We can make choices to discipline ourselves in whatever we are working for. The test I passed took discipline to study, it took time to read, study, memorize and reread, study and memorize. I had to change my routine so that I could prioritize my time and I put studying first.

I had to overcome my feelings on the days I did not feel like studying I did it anyways, I chose to study when I could have been out with friends etc. My husband has been doing The Fight Club he has been memorizing scripture and doing all the different requirements to do the goals. It is ten weeks of a lot of different requirements, and he is in the 10th week. I am proud of him for continuing and he will finish Sunday!

The first thing to be an overcomer you must have perseverance. Perseverance is “doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.” How we view our difficulties can help us or hinder us. I believe choosing to speak the truth to yourself that you can finish, the difficulty will come to an end, and you will succeed is essential to developing perseverance. I have learned through my disability that if I dwell on the pain or recount the hardship in my thoughts it is not productive for me it only pulls me down in my thoughts.

The second thing to be an overcomer you must have faithfulness. Faithfulness is “loyal, adhering firmly to a person or course.” Being faithful to your goal is essential. Being faithful in all situations produces maturity. When we are faithful it will come out in many different areas through our relationships, work, ministry etc. Being faithful to your word, is most important in developing faithfulness. It is an excellent character trait to develop. When you honor your word your being faithful to your own self and others. You follow through even when it hurts. Which means when it is inconvenient, or your feelings do not want to, with faithfulness you do what is needed to honor your word to complete the task.

The third thing to be an overcomer we need steadfastness. Steadfastness is “fixed or unchanging, steady” Being steadfast you stay fixed in your goal or plan. You do not change the plan when it is tough you push through and finish. For steadfastness to develop in your character one must keep the goal as the focus. The word steadfast means “resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.” Being loyal to your dream, goals or vision is so important to finish the course.

Those who overcome the obstacles, setbacks or delays will learn to develop patience. There is always a choice in life do we keep going or quit? Do we push through or let go? You must choose. Your will needs to be activated to choose wisely. Speak the truth to yourself you can finish what ever it is your facing.

We can ask the Holy Spirit for help every day. We can ask for the grace to finish the tasks and goals. Allow Him to develop in you the perseverance, faithfulness, and steadfastness and become an overcomer.

Tested, Tried and Proven…

During my devotions on Jan 4th I asked the Lord what was on his heart and I heard in my spirit “love, love and more love.” “Faith tested, tried and proven trust.”

Faith is…?  To you what is faith?  What does it mean to have faith?  How is your faith tested, tried and proven?  These are the questions we need to know so when we are faced with situations, we can let faith arise within our hearts and lean on God without always understanding what is happening.

Through the trials the bible states our faith is being tested, tried and producing patience/endurance.  Looking at the word trials or tribulations other words related to them are development, lifestyle, growth, suffering, circumstances, journey.

James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3) knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4) But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Tested faith produces patience, letting patience have its full work produces tried and proven.  A perfect and complete individual who is matured in faith.

What is faith?  Scripture states in, Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Faith for me is the trust, belief and confidence in the Creator God Most High who sent His Own Son Jesus dying for me. Faith comes from Him, is by Him and through Him.

Hebrews 11:6 states, “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”  This describes faith, it believes God exists it also believes that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.

I love how Almighty God is powerful and practical.  We complicate God with our own assumptions and traditions.  God loves us so much he sent His Son to take away our sin by dying on the cross.  Faith comes through Him we all get a seed of faith as you trust God in situations it grows and becomes tested, tried and proven, sounds simple because it is. 

We complicate it with doubt, fears, worries.  Simple believing faith like a child is all we need.  If your struggling with the faith to trust God stop for a moment and look around you and you will see something good to be thankful for.  Start reading the Scriptures on who he is and His goodness it will build up your faith.    

The Lost Art of Kindness

Kindness matters

What does it mean to be kind? How do you know when you’re not being kind? What does the fruit of kindness look like?

2019 seems to be the year of people saying and doing unkind words and deeds. All over Facebook, Twitter and News Media you see and read of more and more unkind things being said. Politics has revved it up on all sides.

People are believing everything any news person they like says and then spewing it out as if they know it’s a fact. 

But somewhere kindness is still alive. Some random acts of kindness still happen, people still respond to needs of tragedies and losses with compassion. Neighbors still help one another in some neighborhoods.

Step back and ask God what he thinks about kindness.

First what does kindness mean? It means “The quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.”

Here are a few similar words meaning kindness: “Tenderness, goodwill, concern, care, helpful, selflessness, compassion, sympathy, understanding, warmth, affection, friendliness, benevolence, neighborliness, patience, tolerance, mercifulness, decency, charitableness, and graciousness.”

How do you know when you’re not being kind? We all have a conscience. God will let you know through your conscience. Our Conscience will tell us when we are not kind, but we must be listening and responsive. When we realize we weren’t kind apologize for it, don’t ignore it. Recognize it and ask forgiveness.

What is the fruit of kindness? Being friendly when you don’t know someone, giving a hand of help when you can, if someone drops something picking it up, holding a door open and smiling all equals friendliness.

More fruit of kindness equals waiting without an attitude, patience. Or waiting in line when the cashier is slow and the person in front of you is causing a backup and not complaining but smiling that’s kindness in action.

I saw on Facebook a well know celebrity and a politician were seated by each other at a sport event. The celebrity was berated on social media just for sitting next to someone who doesn’t believe like she does. She addressed this issue with diplomacy and kindness and ended with “just be kind.”

I thought about how God used her words to remind all of us kindness matters.

It is time to stop putting our opinions and attitudes above good manners. Did you ever hear the saying ‘Manners Matter’? I forget who said it, but it is true, and kindness is good manners.

The bible tells us kindness is a fruit of the Spirit and its love. Real love is kind…

Its time to be neighborly again. Sometimes it takes a lot more strength to be kind then grumpy. But I have faith we can change and be kinder and helpful.

Show kindness not just to your own little group but to someone you don’t know or don’t like.

It’s also time to stop listening to the negative reports and become the kindness needed around us.

Kindness Matters and Love never fails!