How to make your word valuable…

How important is your word to someone? Years ago, people made agreements based on their word and a handshake. But now people have contracts and legal documents to hold individuals to their word. Why is that? Because the handshake and giving of their word no longer worked. People stopped caring about honoring their word.

I personally believe if you say it, you should do it. I believe it is biblical to honor your word. The scripture is found in Psalm 15:4. It’s a sign of maturity. We need to try to keep our word unless an emergency comes up or sickness prevents. It helps people to trust you. There is value in knowing someone is reliable.

Here are three practices to help honor your word.

The first method is taught by Jesus. He said, “let your yes be yes and your no be no.” Anything that is added means it depends on such as ‘I’ll try, or maybe, will see.’ You might as well say no because this is always a back doorway out, it means if something better comes up, you’re not available. Be honest with yourself by knowing your boundaries and limits. Over commitments tend to make a person unreliable which leads to a lack of trust.

Secondly, keep track of your commitments by writing them down or putting them in your phone calendar. I’m a little old school I still carry a calendar. Whatever way you prefer, use it to keep track of your appointments and commitments this helps you to remember what you committed to. This produces an excellent work ethic and people will trust you.

Thirdly, Psalm 15:4 says, “…honor your word even when it hurts.” It’s not always easy and sometimes its really difficult but it will build good character and strength in you. Our word is important it builds trust when we follow through with what we have said. It really is a good character strength to have. Try thinking about what you really mean before you answer so your word will not be misinterpreted. I prefer to think about my answer because I know if I say it, I will do it.

Commitment to your word adds value to your reputation.

What are your boundaries…

What is a boundary?  A boundary is, “the line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line.”  Like property etc. 

But why do people need boundaries?  People need boundaries so that they do not go beyond their limit.  Stresses can come in all kinds of ways but when you know your limit, you’ll able to moderate your needs for down time and rest.

It’s important to know what you’re willing to do and not do.  Why is it so that your actively present instead of being pressured to do anything that you don’t believe in or you want to do.  Finding your voice and your no is essential to living a healthy life.

Finding your voice to me means being able to say how you feel and think about something.  It’s to be able to express your thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.  That’s being true to yourself and expressing it.

Your yes or no must be inline with your heart.  Find your no means, saying No when you don’t want to do something.  For some saying no is difficult this will cause them stress because that’s when they are doing what they really don’t want to do.  It is okay saying no I can’t, or I don’t want to.

If saying no is difficult for you then speak truth to yourself regarding the situation and say to yourself it’s okay to say no.  Self-talking about truths helps us to overcome. 

Begin today being true to your own hearts and minds by using your yes and no.