What Are Three Things Every Mom Needs?

Mother’s Day is a day we celebrate mothers. It is a day to honor women who have children. The Dictionary states, Mother “noun a woman in relation to her child or children. Verb 1) bring up a child with care and affection. 2) give birth to.”

Being a mom does not mean you have to physically carry the child there are many people who cannot physically have children but who adopt, foster or care for a child. A mom to me is a woman who loves, nurtures and cares for a child or children.

The word mother inspires for some of us great memories for me my mother was a person who loved unconditionally. She was wise, intelligent and funny.

Here are three things every mother needs.

First, I think every mother loves to hear from their children. Even if you live far away from your mom a phone call, zoom meeting or email, card etc. means so much to a mother. A mother carries their love for their child forever, so acknowledgement of your mom lets her know you care and are thinking of her. Not just mothers’ day but make it a habit to reach out to her regularly.

Secondly, time with her. Visits are so important to moms. They look forward to seeing and spending time with their children. When our children are grown, we so appreciate a visit from them. A lunch date, a stop over for coffee, just to share time means so much to a mom. As adults we may forget that mom’s still need our attention too. We get busy doing life so a day to appreciate moms was created.

Thirdly, a mom loves to receive affection from their child. A hug, a pat, a smile. Love is expressed in all kinds of ways but all of us humans need touch. Yes, it’s a pandemic but to see your child and receive a warm hug it says to me I love you mom!

My mom is no longer with me. I know she loved me dearly and I have very fond memories of her. I feel blessed to know my mother cared for all her children. You may not have your mom either, but you can honor her by sharing her picture on Facebook or sharing a good memory of her with your friends.

Be Blessed and Have a Happy Mother’s Day.