I was given the boot…

Today is my four-month doctor appointment since surgery.  I was given the boot to the boot. 

I don’t need to wear the grey boot!!! Yay!  This was a longer recovery, but my ankle is healed well.  I still must continue with physical therapy and I’m doing good. I was thinking about this day the boot was a good support and if I have a lot of walking Doctor said still use it.

I have learned through the years knowing your own body is important.  When your sore or weary stop and rest.  When we overdue and push our bodies beyond their endurance we will wear our bodies down.  We become more vulnerable to weariness, exhaustion and sickness.

I’m learning to admit my signs of the need to stop, sit and rest.  When I was younger, I would push till I was so painful I couldn’t walk, and I would like to volunteer for everything.  I didn’t realize my own need of boundaries.

However, I learned and continue learning when to say no and yes with thought.  So, by the time we commit, we counted costs of the commitment.  Should you commit not taking cost into account, you will be running yourself ragged. 

We can assess our why’s.  Why must I say yes when I want to say no?  Most often it is because we’re afraid of someone’s disapproval or we’re trying to win their approval.

Sole approval we need is God’s, ask Him what you should or shouldn’t do?  Be conscious of His leading and you won’t be doing it in your own strength. One question for all of us should ask ourselves, what should you give the boot too?  Things, habits, addictions etc.  Take a moment and ask God is their anything I need to let go of?   He will give you the grace to let go of it.