How important is Dreams, Visions and Goals?

How important is a dream or vision to you? Do you have goals that you would like to carry out but aren’t sure how to go about it? Why is vision so important? How do you go about creating and carrying out your goals? These are a few of the questions we will look at.

How important is a dream or vision? It is important because it is the beginning of the dream, vision or goal. You need it to start, continue and finish. The carry out part is the task in the middle that takes you to achieving the dream, vision or goal. That is where commitment, research, work and self-talk brings you through.  

Why is vision so important? I know that had I not had a goal/vision to finish school I would not have completed my doctorate. How do you go on creating and carrying out your goals? First write it down, make it visible for you to see. By doing that you begin to take it from your thoughts to seeing it on paper. I pray over my dreams, visions or goals and ask God to help me. Explore what it would take to achieve your goal and research it, write it out it helps when it comes to developing a plan. Then take a step.

It takes commitment to carry out your goals. It likewise takes challenging work and continuing through even when you do not feel like it. There were times I thought about quitting but I would self-talk myself out of quitting. I would speak life over my work and say to myself I can do this. I had friends who encouraged me along the way too, but had I not encouraged myself I may not have finished.

I never gave myself permission to quit. Just because occasionally I wanted to, I would not let myself stay in a defeated mindset. I believe God’s grace brought me through because occasionally I would think I do not understand what that author is talking about nor did I like their viewpoint. I would need to look up the meaning of words that I could not even pronounce. But I thank God I finished, and I have been using the information to help others.

You too can complete your goals and achieve your dreams. It simply takes commitment, work and healthy self-talk. Say Something positive over your life, confess the word of God over yourself, do not allow yourself permission to quit. When we quit it will produce regret you can make it. If your struggling that is ok its part of the process. We all face struggles in finishing tasks, dreams, and goals.

I would like to encourage you to dream big, then take a step towards making the dream or vision a reality. You can do it!