What type of graveclothes are you wearing?

What are grave clothes? When we are born again, we have a regenerated spirit, but we still have the world on us sometimes. God wants you loosed from the trappings of the graveclothes. He wants us to let go of the things that are binding our hands, feet, hearts, and minds.

In John 11:43-44 “Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come forth!’ 44And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, ‘loose him, and let him go.’”

Jesus’ friend Lazarus died and was buried. On the fourth day Jesus came and raised him from the dead. He said Lazarus come forth, Lazarus rose and came out of the tomb, but was still wrapped in graveclothes. Grave clothes are cloth stripes used for burial in ancient days.

These strips of cloth were wrapped around the body to where the entire body was bound. I’ve been thinking of the ways we can become bound even though we are regenerated in spirit we can continue to live bound.  It is interesting to me that Jesus told the people who moved the stone to unbind Lazarus. Even then people were needed to help and so are they today. Sometimes we think I don’t need help, or no one understands but God does understand, and he uses others to help unbind us.

To me grave clothes are things that keep you stuck or things that are harming your growth. We are spiritual, emotional, physical beings and we can get stuck in many ways. Mindsets can be binding on your health and growth when we let the painful thoughts of the past or current situations keep us from moving forward, it becomes the grave cloth over the mind. Jesus died so we could have freedom from oppressive thoughts, harmful habits, and harmful relationships.

Eternal life isn’t just going to heaven it is life here and now.  But we need to let our hands, feet, or mind be unbound. Can you imagine Lazarus fighting the people who were helping him? Unfortunately, at times we do hinder our help. But today is a good day to allow God to use his word to bring you the help you need and reach out to someone for the help you need.

What is keeping you bound today? What is limiting your growth, stopping you from moving forward, or holding you back? Surrender it to God by giving it to him and ask for his help. Then receive the help you need. My prayer is that if you are hurting today, you receive the help you need to move in the right direction.

The Marvelous Mind & Know your thoughts!

Have this mind…

What Are The Three ‘Starting Over’ Factors?

Why do we get overwhelmed when we have to start over? Some people can embrace starting over easier than others. What outlook do you have? I don’t think we are ever too old to learn something new.

First factor of ‘starting over’ may be defined by the circumstances. Sometimes things happen in life, and we need a ‘start over.’ Starting over can be a simple job to a life change. Whatever you’re facing on the ‘starting over’ is not going to take you down but this can produce growth and health if you allow it.

God promises to go through trials with us. In Isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you, When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.”

How we view our situations and circumstances can affect our abilities in wanting to move on. Setbacks, delays, failures do not define us they are just things we go through. Allow God to grow you in your ‘starting over’ season.

Second factor of starting over is ‘facing fear.’ There are all kinds of fears when starting over, such as fear of being alone, of the unknown, of rejection. Fear of not being loved, appreciated or of being hurt, not accepted etc. Everyone faces unknow aspects when they face a ‘start over.’ From the simplest task to a major life change. Overcoming the fear by speaking truths to yourself is extremely helpful.

In Isaiah 43:1 “…Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.” God tells us fear not because He knows He is going with. You are not alone even if it feels like it.    

My husband and I are in a start over season we are entering a ‘ministerial internship program’ in our sixties. It is exciting and a little overwhelming for both of us. But I am thankful for the opportunity, and I know God is guiding us in this. Therefore, He will provide us with the grace to implement and finish it.

No matter what we face if we put our trust in God and allow Him to work in our lives we will learn, grow and mature.

Third factor in starting over is growth. Growth comes in many forms. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth are good but not always fun. Embrace life where you are at and ask God for help. He is always working on growing us into Christlikeness. God cares about every aspect in your life and will walk you through and produce growth in you as you surrender the cares, worries and fears to Him.

Speak truth to yourself you will make it, you will learn and grow.


Dr. Annette

Contact Dr. Annette

Tested, Tried and Proven…

During my devotions on Jan 4th I asked the Lord what was on his heart and I heard in my spirit “love, love and more love.” “Faith tested, tried and proven trust.”

Faith is…?  To you what is faith?  What does it mean to have faith?  How is your faith tested, tried and proven?  These are the questions we need to know so when we are faced with situations, we can let faith arise within our hearts and lean on God without always understanding what is happening.

Through the trials the bible states our faith is being tested, tried and producing patience/endurance.  Looking at the word trials or tribulations other words related to them are development, lifestyle, growth, suffering, circumstances, journey.

James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3) knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4) But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Tested faith produces patience, letting patience have its full work produces tried and proven.  A perfect and complete individual who is matured in faith.

What is faith?  Scripture states in, Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Faith for me is the trust, belief and confidence in the Creator God Most High who sent His Own Son Jesus dying for me. Faith comes from Him, is by Him and through Him.

Hebrews 11:6 states, “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”  This describes faith, it believes God exists it also believes that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.

I love how Almighty God is powerful and practical.  We complicate God with our own assumptions and traditions.  God loves us so much he sent His Son to take away our sin by dying on the cross.  Faith comes through Him we all get a seed of faith as you trust God in situations it grows and becomes tested, tried and proven, sounds simple because it is. 

We complicate it with doubt, fears, worries.  Simple believing faith like a child is all we need.  If your struggling with the faith to trust God stop for a moment and look around you and you will see something good to be thankful for.  Start reading the Scriptures on who he is and His goodness it will build up your faith.    

Are you stagnate or progressing?


Today is exactly six weeks since my left ankle replacement surgery. Tomorrow I will be able to put 25% weight on the left leg.  Although the recovery is longer than anticipated due to a fracture and very soft bones. I have seen progress through it all!

Progress propels us on to the next step, level and future. Without progress we can become stagnant. I choose to look at this recovery as a process of progression. First was surgery, then the cast and then the grey boot etc.

I also choose to look at life in the same way. One day I’m recovering from surgery and during this recovery I’m inspired to take a step and create this blog. Which I was unsure of how to do but I googled and here we are. As I learn about webpages, blogs etc. I will continue to progress.

My life didn’t stop because of surgery. Parts of it are on hold and parts are still moving forward. My relationship with my husband has grown through this surgery in little ways. A few of my friendships have also grown deeper and to me those are areas of progress.

You always have a choice in life as an adult. How you perceive a situation does affect you. If I choose to look at the situation and say I’m in a bad place because it’s going longer than originally planned. All it would do is make me feel worse. But I know God is going to bring me through. I choose to be thankful in the process. Gratitude to God, my family and friends produces a joy within me in the process.

Changing how you look at or think about the situation sometimes brings clarity too. So, to sum this up to progress is better than stagnate.

Think on what these words mean and relate it to your life.

The word progress means as a verb, “forward or onward movement toward a destination.” As a noun it means, “move forward or onward in space and time.” Some similar words are progression, advance, advancement, headway or passage.

The word stagnate means, “the state of not flowing or moving, lack of activity, growth or development.

I choose to progress! I choose moving forward and being open to change and health. I choose to keep moving in life.  If you have stopped in life activate your will and choose to keep moving in all areas of your life. You’re never to old to learn and grow.