How to know if you are walking in the spirit? Part 1

shallow focus photography of yellow lime with green leaves

The Bible tells us how to know if you are walking and being led by the Spirit.  It also tells us in Galatians what is not of the Spirit is flesh and gives us the fruit (actions and attitudes) of flesh.  Verse 16 says, “I say then: walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” Galatians 5: 19-21 “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20) idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21) envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

So, then what is the fruit of walking in the Spirit?  And why are there nine fruit of the Spirit? Should it have said fruits?  I think sometimes we think of them separately but, they are one.  When we walk in the Spirit, we produce fruit. Jesus said, ‘you will know them by their fruit.’ He was referring to false prophets/ teachers.  My mom use, to tell us, ‘Actions speak louder than words.’  Which is a common statement, but it is true. We can tell by someone’s actions, tones, and facial expressions what they really mean.  Anyone can say anything, but the proof is in the action.

I sensed in the spirit it is time to write about the nine fruit of the Spirit. The scripture I am referring to is in Galatians 5:22-23 NKJ “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”  When you walk and live in the Spirit this is what you will produce, or I should say what will come forth from you.

Since Love is first on the list we will start with love.

What is love? ‘God is love.’ Since love is an aspect of the Spirit and appointed as fruit what does it look like in action? When a tree has fruit we are able to see, smell and taste it and we know by that it is an apple, orange, pear or lemon tree for example, therefore fruit is seen and known by distinctive traits.  It is the same with love. Love is not just a word used to describe a feeling. Love is a commitment to someone or something. Love is seen in action

The Bible says in John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17) For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” The Father sent the Son to die for our sins so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life with Him.

I Corinthians 13 describes love.  Verse 4 “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself,  is not puffed up; 5) does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6) does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7) bears all things, believes all things, hope all things, endures all things, 8) love never fails…”

Love to me means one lays down its life, it sees the good in others, it is gentle and kind, it long endures, love makes and upholds boundaries, it serves others. Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Most of us would not harm ourselves therefor love does no harm to another. I know that love is essential to our way of life.

As a believer in Christ, it is most important to allow God to change in us what needs changing. Such as actions and attitudes that do not line up with His character.  First ask the Holy Spirt to search your heart and show you if there is anything in the way of love. God will show us when we humble ourselves, pray and ask so that we can confess it, repent and turn from it.  God cares for and about you.

What do you base your Love on? 

Three steps to walking in God’s Power and Might?

Four Helpful Relationship Tools

There is so much to say and so little time to say it. I’m more than halfway through MIP and it’s been a great challenge and exciting journey.

Here are some key elements you can add or fine tune in your relationship’s. We all need to implement these tools in our lives. Why do I write this, because I have learned good relationships take work, they do not just happen by themselves? It takes time, energy, and effort to keep a good relationship.

First tool is learning to listen without thinking about what you’re going to say or respond with. So often in conversation the person we are talking with thinks about what they are going to say or how this is happening to them that they miss an opportunity to really listen and empathize with you. If you want your relationships to last and be healthy work on your listening skills.

The best solution for this is to tell yourself I do not have to say what I think or feel, nor do I have to fix their problem they may just need me to listen. Healthy relationships work best when each person can say what they think or feel without condemnation, argumentation, or aggravation. Relationships are not meant to be competitions.

Second helpful tool is forgiveness. Forgiveness is an essential tool for relationships. The little things do add up and become bigger issues when we don’t let go and forgive. Obviously, we are talking in general. Forgiveness is really for you not the other person you’re the one who is not allowing yourself to live in the light if we hold grudges, resentments and unforgiveness. In healthy relationships it is important to let the other person know you are sorry and will they forgive you.  

Third helpful tool in relationships is boundaries. Boundaries are helpful because it lets you know where you start and stop. Boundaries are helpful because then you & your spouse are aware of things that you will and will not do. It helps to keep the peace within your relationship’s.

Fourth tool walk in love. Real love is not an emotion it is a commitment to the relationship. Love is based in the wellbeing of another. God is love. His love for us was given in Christ Jesus dying for us so that we could receive forgiveness. In relationships of all kinds love is an essential tool. It’s the most important aspect of relationships. The only thing that last’s is love. My husband shows me love in all kinds of ways from his words to his actions. His commitment to me and our marriage makes me feel loved and secure. Love is an action word because real love laid down His life for us.

In our relationships we also can put aside our petty opinions, our need to be right, and begin to see how the other person feels and thinks in situations. By doing this you too will grow in your relationships. Healthy Relationships 101 The Power of Forgiveness

What are three things about Mercy?

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”

What does it mean to be merciful? Why should we be merciful? How can we extend mercy to others? Have you ever been in a situation where you could either give mercy or revenge? Obviously, revenge is never a clever idea, because the Bible says, “vengeance is the Lords” not ours.

The Oxford Dictionary says mercy means, “compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.”

Although these definitions are long it is important to understand what mercy is. The Revell Concise Bible Dictionary states, “Mercy, merciful “A compassionate response that moves a person to one who is helpless and in need.” “In the OT 1) a feeling of compassion, normally translates as ‘love’, 2) the active help, motivated by love, that is offered to a person in need, often rendered ‘to be gracious or ‘to show mercy.’ “The NT 3) Gk, eleos, originally the deep emotion of concern aroused by suffering, which in the NT implies the giving of active help. The biblical use of eleos, portrays God as one who is deeply moved by human suffering and who has chosen to come to our aid despite the sin that makes us his enemies.”

So, with these definition’s the first thing we’re seeing is, mercy is an action in motion to meet someone else’s need. The need for mercy may be hands on physical help or a verbal response of love and concern. Mercy goes outside of yourself towards another.  When we reach out to help another it is for their betterment. Mercy wants to help another. The motivation is to ease the suffering.

The second thing we’re seeing about mercy is, sometimes it also an act of forgiveness. When someone offends, hurts or despitefully uses us our natural man wants to defend ourselves or get even. But mercy extends forgiveness to the person. When we are willing to forgive it is a process we go through. Saying I forgive you can be difficult when it is a traumatic event, but the forgiveness releases you from the event your mind wants to hold onto.

Forgiveness is a choice and God will walk through the process with you. Being merciful doesn’t mean you stay in harm’s way, but it does mean your releasing yourself from the hurt and pain through forgiveness. We choose to forgive, process the hurt and let God bring in the healing for it.

The third thing we could learn about mercy is God is merciful. He extends help to those who are in need. He is “gracious, longsuffering and abounding in goodness and truth.” God loves us so much sent His only begotten son Jesus to die for our sins and so his sacrifice would purchase redemption for us. Even though we deserved the penalty for our sin, His mercy was extended to us through Christ Jesus. His forgiveness of our sins is because of His mercy on mankind. His compassion, longsuffering and goodness can be seen in His love towards us.

Therefore, mercy is a powerful action of love.

God’s Love is R.E.A.L

God’s love is Reliable.  Reason why it’s reliable because you can rely on his love.  Reliable means that it is trustworthy.  Scripture states, “God so loved the World he sent his one and only son to die for it.” 

God’s love is so reliable he sent His son Jesus to die for you before you ever where born.  We do know that history has shown God’s love for all mankind.  History, archeology and prophecy have demonstrated what is in the Bible.  There are the facts throughout history that prove the truth of the Word of God.

God’s love is eternal.  Why because God is love and that he existed before mankind was created and That He provided the way to eternal life.  God is everlasting there is no beginning and no end of Almighty God.  Therefore, his love is eternal.

God’s love is for all.  All this means everyone.  Unfortunately, some won’t accept his love by Christ Jesus.  But nonetheless, it is available for all who call on the name of the Lord.  The Entire 7.7 Billion people and counting.  Past, present and future could experience God’ love.  Choice was ours to accept or deny his love. 

God’s love is love.  The true definition of love is God.  Scripture tells us in I John 4 “God is love.” In 1 Corinthians 13 it tells us what love looks like.  All the way through scripture it gives the expression of God’s love as unfailing, everlasting, strong love.

God’s love is personal.  You can experience the love of God through His Son.  If you’ve come to this blog and you’ve never asked Christ in your life today’s your day.  Ask him to demonstrate to you his love and to come into your life and forgive you of your sins.

The Bible says we all sinned and fell short of the Glory of God.  Ask today and you receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord.  You encounter the love of God personally.  For all those of us that have felt the Lord personally it is a good reminder that his love is reliable, eternal, for all, and real love.    

Back to Church day

Brotherly love

Today was a great day I was able to go to church today. We sat in the back so I could elevate my leg with the knee scooter.

It felt good to be in the house of God with my church family. As I worshiped God, I sensed his presence all round me.

Our Pastor had a brief message today, but it was impactful. His scripture today was Hebrews 13:1-2 “Let brotherly love continue. 2) do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”

Brotherly love? Does this just refer to family love? The answer is no. Brotherly love is something those that know each other continue in but it’s also love towards humanity. Words like hospitality, comraery, politeness, generosity, prayer, helpfulness and so much more describe brotherly love.

Showing love for one another Jesus said is how they will know we are his disciples. I personally have been shown love throughout this recovery by my husband, close friends, family, neighbors and my church and friends & family on social media. God has given me the grace to go through this recovery in peace and patience.

Although I’m not fully recovered I’m still looking at this surgery & recovery as a blessing. God has brought me through and continues to. The pain I had before surgery is gone and for that I am also thankful.

Let brotherly love continue.  That is a powerful sentence it means we have a choice to continue in brotherly love.  How important is walking in love to God?  I would say very important.  God is love.  When we walk in love, we touch the heart of people and that is Gods way to reach out to others through us.

Let brotherly love continue daily in your life whenever and wherever you go.