How to be a Kinder You…

What is kindness? It is a simple question but is it experienced by you daily? According to the dictionary kindness means “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” This month is Thanksgiving in the United States and so often we focus on what we are thankful for. But would it not be better to be somebody is thankful for. Meaning your act of kindness expressed in a manner that the individual receiving is surprised and thankful for the act of kindness.

I realize this year comes with uncertainty and hardships but we all can end the year 2020 with a ‘kinder you.’ How is kindness expressed? I believe through acts or services that help or bless someone else. Whether it is a random act or a planned act it still has a positive effect on someone. There are many ways to show kindness, such as a card letting someone know you are thinking of them, a phone call, text or message. These are simple but beautiful ways to express acts of kindness.

Handmade or store-bought items can lift a person’s spirit and let them know they are cared for. Another type of kindness can be monetary or services that helps someone in need. In a time of uncertainty people need kindness. I have seen cranky individuals crack a smile when a baby giggles or smiles at them. It is just proof to me that even the hardest of hearts wants somebody to be kind.

Since most of us remain wearing masks it is difficult to see the smiles. But you can smile through your mask and people will sense it. Let’s all be a ‘kinder you’ this season and share kindness wherever you are however you can.