How To Be Thankful And Grateful.

Gratitude to me is thankfulness in action. Being thankful is not only good manners it is a heart response to show appreciation to others.  We are celebrating the ‘Thanksgiving Holiday’ this month, but we need to be thankful and grateful all year long. Thankfulness and gratitude comes from the heart of humility. It shows appreciation to others without resentment or wanting something in return.

According to the dictionary what does grateful mean? Grateful is “feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful” received or experienced with gratitude; welcome”

“By definition: thankfulness is feeling pleased and relieved. Gratefulness is showing appreciation for something done or received. Being thankful is more about expressing a feeling like saying “thank you.” “Where thankfulness is an emotion, gratitude is an attitude of appreciation under any circumstance. Gratitude involves being thankful, but it is more than that. Gratitude means expressing thankfulness and being appreciative of life daily even when nothing exciting happens.”

These definitions show us the difference between the words but in reality they both are necessary to have in life. Feelings will follow thoughts, but gratitude shows through in your attitude.

Ask yourself these three questions to know if you are a thankful and grateful.

First, do I appreciate the little gestures of kindness?  Secondly, do I express my gratitude with words and deeds? Thirdly, do I look for ways to express my thankfulness? If you consistently do these things your living with a thankful and grateful heart. 

If not, there is hope for you. By looking at your thoughts and actions. We change when we repent and ask God to forgive us for not being thankful. Then ask the Lord to show you how to be thankful for the trivial things in life.  Start a thankful list to remind yourself of things that are good and pleasant. Enjoy the trivial things in life by looking at the beauty around you and appreciate it. These small steps will lead you to having a thankful and grateful heart.

Here are a few thankful Scriptures to mediate on: I suggest saying them out loud so that you will hear them.

Psalm 136:1 “O give thanks unto the LORD; for his mercy endures forever.”

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be make know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Psalm 95:2 “Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise.”

I Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”

The Power of Forgiveness

What does forgiveness mean to you? How important is it? What are benefits to forgiveness? These are some of the questions we will answer.

Forgive means: “Stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake; Cancel (a debt)”

Forgiveness means: “the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.” First with these definitions we see that forgiveness is a process. Pardon deals with the emotion of the offense and the feelings of resentment toward a person who hurt, offended or acted in a manner that we felt hurt by.

How important is forgiveness it is essential to your overall mental health? Unforgiveness plagues the mind and heart. It revolves around a continuous dialogue of thoughts in the mind that wants justice or revenge. But it keeps you locked into the pain, hurt, and negative emotions.

There are no benefits to unforgiveness. Why do we hold on to unforgiveness can only be answered by the person? Everyone gives different reasons, but it is usually the event itself. And the injustice of the hurt and sorrow. But in truth unforgiveness is only hurting us, not the one who hurts us.

Power in forgiveness is a key to unlocking a hurt. Forgiveness does not abolish the offense. It does help you to walk free of the pain and sorrow of the offense. Forgiveness places you in a place of restored peace. When we are unforgiving, we do not have true peace. We may have repressed the hurt, but it always comes back up.

Pain must be expressed, processed, and relieved or it is locked in the recesses of our mind and heart. Therefore, forgiveness is a process. Our minds must give the pain a voice through expressions and the emotions of the hurt is processed and then the words of ‘I forgive you for…’ will flow freely. Then the healing of God can fill the area the pain and sorrow lived, and you can be restored and filled with peace and joy.

Jesus bought forgiveness for us with God, but it also opened the door of empowerment of forgiveness for us to others. The word of God tells us to forgive as we have been forgiven. There have been things in my life that have happened to me without God’s help and healing I would not be the person I am today.

I have seen many different individuals and couples walk through the process of forgiveness and receive the healing it provides. The power of forgiveness lives within each individual choice. Once you choose to forgive ‘someone’ the process starts and then you can be healed of the pain, hurt and sorrow of the offense through forgiveness.