Rainy vs Sunny Days

Is there really a difference in rainy vs sunny days?  I believe the answer is yes and no.  Yes, rainy days are wet, cloudy and darker in color.  My grandmother would say “it’s dark and dreary outside today.”  I would think to myself I don’t see the dreary I just see wet.

Sunny days are drier, warmer and less cloudy.  But to me their just sunny.  Although there are some people emotionally affected by weather and there are some who are not.

I can clean in the rain as easy as sunny.  I will sing in the rain or sun too.  It’s about our mindsets.

I think it’s more about your thoughts on those days.  I choose to be thankful in the rain and in the sun.  The weather doesn’t determine my day.  My plans may have to change due to the weather, but it doesn’t have to cause me to change.  My attitude, outlook and emotions can be controlled by me.

My point is weather is always changing but I do not have to let it change me and neither do you.

So how do you not let it affect you?

One, speak the truth to your mind.  I choose to be happy rain or shine.  The truth is weather doesn’t define me.

Two, I can change a plan and do something else it is ok.

Thirdly, be open to change.  Find something else to do.