Blurred Vision…

Blurred vision in the natural makes it hard to judge distances see what is near you and ahead of you. We can also get blurred vision morally, emotionally and spiritually.

Blurred vision morally makes your lines of compromise easier to step over. Any time we go beyond our line of morals it will produce in us blurred vision and then we become compromised morally.

Emotionally blurred vision to something or somebody is an attachment enthusiastically to something that isn’t good for you or others. You become attached in your heart to something or someone that isn’t yours to become attached too. This takes stepping back from it, looking at it with fresh vision, and being teachable about it. Renounce, repent and receive forgiveness of it and move on.

Blurred vision spiritually causes uncertainty in understanding what is and isn’t from God. God isn’t the author of confusion if something is confusing, we need to step back and take a better look and line it up to the Word of God.

God wants us to have clarity of vision.  It plays an important part in fulfilling a vision to keep your ‘eye on the goal.’

In Philippians 3:13 Amp “I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]; forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.”  the Apostle Paul instructs us to forget what is behind and to press forward.  Pressing forward takes ‘forward thinking.’ Paul was teaching us to press on to the goal, in verse 14 “I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.”  Here is where we will need forward thinking in our spiritual lives. To be kingdom minded is so that you can have forward thinking regarding the future and now in the Kingdom of God.

Anytime we spend mulling over past mistakes we lose out on now opportunities. Forward thinking movement propels us to keep moving. I have learned the best way to find your passion is to start with what you have. For example, if you love to teach volunteer to teach Sunday school or mentor a child with their schoolwork.  

I always wanted to write but with my grammar not the best I didn’t think it a possibility. Going through graduate work taught me how to improve my writing with spell and grammar check in Word Program. To start this Blog and Webpage I had to take on a step of faith invest the money and time eight months later its increasing and I’m learning more and more. God provided me with a lovely friend who has webpage and design inventiveness which I’m incredibly grateful for her help.

But it took me to decide to try and to let the Holy Spirit to inspire me in this way.  I love that God can take a girl who was not good at spelling and provide me with the tools and education I needed to fulfill His vision. Then open this door to teach around the World. Every post is producing seeds sown for the Kingdom of God. This represents the forward thinking.

My vision is clear this keep writing and posting. We’ve added the Beauty for Ashes page which is another dimension to the vison of the webpage moving forward takes steps of obedience.

Forgetting what’s behind keep moving forward. If in any area you are experiencing blurred vision (plans, purpose, direction) stop, pray, press in and make the necessary steps of change to bring clarity once again. It’s wisdom to seek help when you need it.

Do you need clarity?

What is clarity and why is it needed? These are some questions we will answer. Clarity is vital in many aspects of your living past, present, and future. Clarity is also necessary in the decision-making process, pursuing your objectives and even when buying.

According to Webster’s Dictionary Clarity means “brightness (clearness) clear. The quality or state of being clear: lucidity” I have inserted my interpretation of the meaning in accordance with the areas of our life.

The dictionaries meaning for Clear: ‘1)free from clouds, mist or haze’ pertaining to weather or minds

‘2)free from what dims, obscures or darken’ pertaining to vision

‘3)free from flaw, blemish, or impurity’ pertaining to mind/heart

‘4)free from impediment, obstructions, or hindrances: open’ pertaining to life or walk

‘5)plain or evident to the mind: unmistakable’ pertaining to the mind

‘6)easily perceptible to the eye or ear: distinct’ pertaining to the senses.

‘7)discerning or perceiving easily: keen’ pertaining to intuition/spirit

‘8)free from doubt or confusion: certain’ pertaining to faith

‘9)free from limitation or qualification: absolute’ pertaining to faith/God

‘10)free from quilt(a clear conscience)’ pertaining to conscience

How does one become clear in thought and walk in clarity? To me the reply is be a seeker of truth, not in a relative sense but the actual truth based in facts. Also be prepared to examine and look at the circumstances from various angles. Be open and ready to hear about yourself past, present, and future.

Do not run from your past walk through the hurts and traumas with God and if need be seeking a Counselor who will take you through the healing to the other side.

When we get trapped in the pain, it does not remain down it rises in every area of our life. Guilt, shame, and bitterness are deep-rooted in something and they will power all types of unhealthy behaviors, reactions, mindsets, and self-talk.  Clarity begins when we admit we have a problem.

You do not break free when you hold onto the thing which is hurting you. Past pains which are unresolved do continue to do us harm and blind us. But God can and will help anyone who calls on Him.

The healing starts with admitting there is a problem. Lucidity comes in many forms. Yes, at the start facing things might feel painful but being freed from the pain is worth a temporary discomfort.

When we look at hurts or issues from our past it is not to put blame on someone its objective is to see what your viewpoint was and to heal from the pain. You are not healed from a hurt if that hurt is yet being played in your head. You are also not healed from a hurt when there is bitterness in your thinking and heart. Those are just prison walls we build to protect ourselves from the hurt, but the truth is that those walls are just shutting yourself off and it is not real freedom.

With clarity comes liberty. Freedom to choose your replies instead of reacting. Freedom to choose the health and life over bitterness as well as resentment. Freedom to choose health as well as wholeness over guilt and shame.

Ask God to show you today where you need clarity.