Three Things to Ponder in the Garden Experience?

olive fruits on tree branches

Recently while reading in John G. Lakes devotional, I had this impression. In the garden Adam surrenders his obedience by choosing to disobey and eat of the fruit of good and evil. On that day he died spiritually, his will choose his own way, not God’s way.

But Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane laid down his will to choose the Fathers will. Three times he prayed to the Father, for the cup to pass and three times He said, “not my will, but your will be done.” In the garden Jesus wins back for us what Adam gave up. On the cross Jesus dies for us, for our sins. He carried the sins in his body as he died for us on a cross, tortured, beaten, bruised, and blooded he walked to His death on the cross.

So, the question for us is what is your garden experience? Three things to ponder what is God asking you to surrender?

First, when we surrender something to God there is an exchange although we may not realize it at first but there is an exchange. So often we get focused on what we want that the surrender becomes more about what we are giving up than what we gain.

But if we do as this scripture shows looking unto Jesus who surrendered it all we too can surrender whatever God is asking us to give over to Him.

Hebrews 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” He sits at the right of the Father, and He is coming back for His bride.

Secondly, a garden experience can reveal not everyone with you is for you. The pain of rejection can affect us all differently, but one thing is sure we all experience rejection in one form or another. Who better to understand this than Jesus? It was in the garden He was betrayed by a friend’s kiss. If you are experiencing the sting of rejection, give it to Jesus who understands the sting and pain rejection causes. He heals the brokenhearted.

Thirdly, a garden experience can reveal ourselves. Times of surrender or trails can show us what is inside us and how we think. It is not a time to self-condemn but a time of self-awareness. Which means it can be a time to recognize our weaknesses, faults and allow God to change us. This becomes a time of growth.

We see Jesus’ character come through the garden experience of surrender, betrayal, and false accusations with humility, silence and willingly went to cross.

Let the garden experience of life grow you in your walk with Christ. Choose God’s way and not your own.

The Evergreen and the tree of the Cross

I have been thinking about how the evergreen tree is a symbol of Christmas we decorate it and put lights on it. The joy it gives us to see the decorations and lights shining bright. How it symbolizes Christ being alive and shining bright in our lives.

Then I thought about the cross and what type of tree was used to make it. Some say it was an olive, cypress, or pine tree some say another type but whatever type it was its purpose was to make a sacrifice for Christ to die on. What courage, selflessness and self-denial it took to be willing to go through the agony of it all.

We know the bible says it was gruesome he was disfigured beyond recognition. What love he has for us to have been willing to go through the torture of the crucifixion so that he could forgive our sins. Mankind needed a savior and Jesus is that Savior.

As our world has gone through a pandemic it is more visible the need of a Savior. How one microscopic virus could altar lives around the world and kill 1.88Million people. Every human has had someone in their life or family somehow touched by the Covid-19 virus. To go through this type of pandemic and not know Jesus would be very scary. I am thankful that His presence goes with me and that no matter what I face He is my Lord and Savior.

As I thought about the article, I wrote called What type of tree are you? I thought of the evergreen living as an example of life all year through and the crosses tree standing for sacrifice, I thought of ways we can shine bright in a dark and hurting world.

One way is to be willing to offer a smile, say hello and make conversation with them. You can also offer prayer if you see or hear of a need. For example, we went to the store yesterday and the cashier was visibly in pain so I mentioned she must be in pain she said yes told me why and I offered to pray for her. I have in the past prayed at that moment but yesterday I discerned to just tell her I would pray.

Today a friend and I went shopping and we had three different women talk to us about what we were buying just being friendly in a time when social distancing has made some scared to get close. My friend Teresa told me she heard a message about it should not be called social distancing it should be called physical distancing. Humans need socialization. We need interactive conversations, times of refreshing with others. Today was that for us and those women who approached us.

Another way to shine for Jesus is in helping others. Sometimes people need a hand of help physically or monetarily when you sense it do what you can. I try to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in giving. Usually, my husband and I get the same leading. There are other ways to give such as, clothing, food, household supplies, furniture etc. the right way to give I believe is to give what is in good condition and clean. Because when we give it should be done as unto the Lord and not for self-gratification. It should be done in secret do not shout about it.

Another gift we can give is our time. Time is the thing we so guard, but we often use it selfishly. Time is the one thing you cannot get back but when invested in another person the blessing is beyond description.