What is The Difference Between Positivity and Trusting God.

Trusting God

What is positivity? How does it differ from trusting? Is it a good thing to always be positive? How do you know if your being just positive when it comes to trusting God?

What does positivity mean? The dictionary states, “Positivity: The practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic attitude.” I believe the practice of being optimistic is helpful to support and endure opposition. Being positive can be helpful unless it is unrealistic and not based in truth. Being positive and speaking truths to yourself is helpful in many ways.

What does trust mean? The word trust means “1) firm belief in the character, strength or truth of someone or something. 2) a person or thing in which confidence is placed. 3) confident hope: I waited in trust of their return.”  Trusting God is placing your belief in His existence, character, and Word. It is placing your confidence and hope in God and relying on His Word as His truth. This is trusting God.    

When I first got saved it was in the late 70’s and I was introduced to what is called “name it and claim it.” This period was a part of the charismatic movement. I’m not sure where it originated from but I believe it was taken out of context, with the bent towards having a ‘positive attitude’ where you only ‘spoke positive’ and never talked about the symptoms you had.

If you were prayed for ‘you should say I’m healed’ whether you felt it or not because that was considered a faith statement. Although the healing movement was supernatural and powerful healings and miracles were taking place and still do by God. I believe also individuals took statements made by some preachers out of context and decided you could have whatever you said. It was out of balance.

It is wisdom to pray, call things that are not as though they are when God leads you to. But just saying ‘I claim that or this,’ isn’t always based in scriptural context or inspired by The Holy Spirit. If it is not inspired by God, the Holy Spirit then it’s not happening.

I was a young wife and mother and thought I was believing God for a miracle in my hips. I was left disappointed in the early 80s after I had to have open heart surgery and two hip replacements. Because I confessed, ‘I was healed.’ As a young adult I was left disappointed and bewildered. Because back then my own experience was if you did not get a miracle, healed or were not blessed financially you were considered ‘to not have enough faith.’ This fallacy caused me hurt and I began thinking ‘that something was wrong with me.’ Unfortunately, I pulled away from God at that time for several reasons. Eight years later I became born again, He delivered me from marijuana, cigarettes and anger. He set me free, my heart was renewed, and He baptized me in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit taught me the way to keep my deliverance.

He showed me my faith was not really on God concerning a healing, it was on a method I was taught. Just because you say ‘I’m healed’ if it is not based in Him and by Him and His Word there is no power in it.

I have seen God miraculously heal people. I have experienced His healing and delivering power in my life. I have learned you do not have to say ‘your healed’ if you do not sense it, you can say I’m believing for a healing, I’m trusting God for a healing, today I hurt thank you for praying. I’m still believing God for the manifestation of healing. This will continue to build your faith and trust in God. Basing your faith on God Almighty, because of Jesus’ sacrifice and atonement for you, to be healed. Trusting God’s Word about healing builds your faith and trust in God.   

I tend to be more optimistic than pessimistic, but I believe it is important to speak truth about where a situation is so that you can receive what you really need. Going around saying everything is ok when it is not only isolates you from receiving help. Although if you lean toward the negative that too can be a problem. It affects your outlook on situations. If I am hurting, I tell God and ask for healing and grace and if I need prayer, I text or call a friend. 

I know that we can speak His word over situations, ourselves, and loved ones. He watches over His word to perform it the Bible says. But I personally seek His way and His mind for a situation. And I base it on what The Holy Spirit is leading me when I am praying for others or myself. It is important to line up your prayers and petitions according to the Word of God.

This is the way to place your trust in God and not in positivity. Are You Quieted by His Love? Rest = Faith

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What is confidence? According to google: “1) the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something, firm trust 2) The state of feeling certain about the truth of something. 3) A feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities: Self-assurance.”

Confidence in God is beneficial, for we can place our lives and outcomes in His Hands-He is faithful. Proverbs 14:26 “In the reverent and worshipful fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, and His children shall always have a place of refuge.”

We can have confidence in the Word of God because it has proven to be true archeologically, historically and prophetically. Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Confidence as self-assurance occurs as we learn and develop in our knowledge, gifting’s, and talents. As we study in order to learn a career or position, we grow in confidence.  The ability to do anything you are unfamiliar with makes anyone anxious, but willing to try builds confidence.

 Kidshealth.org states, “Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic secure way. Confidence is not about feeling superior to others, it is a quiet inner knowledge that your capable.  Confident people-feel ready for everyday challenges.” I like this statement.

We cannot build confidence when we are stagnant. However, we grow confidence while we take steps attempting new things or learning new ideas. Getting trained or teaching helps to achieve the goal of what you would like to learn or do.

Confidence is derived from the understanding in your mind you can, you will, and you will not stop.

Therefore, understanding the way you feel or think about yourself is so crucial.  If all your rehearsing in your mind remain negative statements of, “I won’t, I can’t, or I’ll never,” this just beats you down and prevents you from being confident to try. It’s time to say, “I will try, I can do it, I will do it.”

It is time to let God heal the hurt and things that drive you to put yourself down. You can be free to grow in confidence. Begin today to speak truths to yourself. You can learn and develop and build confidence within yourself.Check out the beauty for Ashes page for more information. Lesson Two Beauty for Ashes