Taste and See…

Merry Christmas

At Christmas time what we eat tastes wonderful and sights we see are beautiful.  Colored or white lights, yards sparkling with decorations.  Cookies and breads which are made that taste great and smell wonderful.  All our senses are experiencing the wonder of the season.

One of my favorites scriptures is found in Psalm 34: 8 “Oh Taste and See that the LORD is good, Blessed is the man who trusts in Him.”

Taste and see is tangible for our senses experiencing the Lords goodness.  Christmas is a “See” moment where we experience the Lord’s goodness.  He sent His Son to come as a child and experience all that we experience ultimately sacrificing his life for ours.

Seeing a child born is a wonderful experience of life.  One that we can all look back on regarding the birth of Jesus.  The angels sang on His arrival and declared glory to God.  The shepherds witnessed the glorious sight.  No one could steal this ‘see’ moment from them.  They went to find the baby Jesus.

We also celebrated his arrival at Christmas morning.  Every day can be a ‘see’ moment as you trust God.  His goodness is expressed all around you if we like the shepherds stop and look.

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.”  Taste means figuratively in the Hebrew Dictionary “perceive” in this passage.  Perceive means “become aware or conscious of (something) come to realize or understand.”

Oh, with exclamation ‘taste’ perceive and ‘see’ behold, experience, look that the LORD is good.  Christmas represents new life for each one of us as we look and become aware of Jesus.

“Blessed is the man(person)who trusts in the Lord.”  This is the perfect time to trust the Lord with all your life.

Caring, concerns, and comings are all in the Lords hands which you can rest today with his love for you.