Hard or Broken

When you’re hardhearted you get kind of crusty. But broken bread is sweet smelling and tasty. Falling on a stone will hurt the physical body but what happens when you fall on the Stone? How does God use us? 

In Matthew 21:42-44 “Jesus said to them “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “The Stone the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes? 43 “therefore I say to you the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing fruits of it. 44 And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whoever it falls, it will grind him to powder.”

What kind of brokenness was he talking about? This verse “whoever falls on the stone will be broken” means surrender.

When you choose to fall on Jesus your surrendering your life and your following Him. The Spirit of God is working in our lives to be Christ-like.

God doesn’t make you do anything. He will lead you and supply the grace so you can do, but force never you always have a choice. He’ll lead you to lay down your life attitudes, choices and actions at times. But it’s always for your betterment not for destruction.

Being broken on Jesus isn’t like a broken object. It just means you surrender to him and allow him to flow through you whenever and wherever.

Be broken on Him to me is allowing Him to search my heart and show me my stinky attitudes, actions and words. I repent of those and He forgives and changes me through steps of obedience.

Being broken also means it is important to not get caught up in telling people they should and should not.   Love people and let God deal with it.

This is how God uses us. You can empower others to seek God through encouragement, comfort and the enthusiasm you have for God. Be led by the Spirit of God He knows what a person needs.  

The Holy Spirit’s job is to convict and he’s good at it.  

Our place is to speak the truth in love not condemnation. When you have a truth your to speak and it’s going to be hard to hear ask the Holy Spirit to give you the right words.  Not what you want but what he wants you to say.  You don’t win the lost with a hammer! Only love produces life.

God loves people he sent his Son to die because he loved the World. It’s time to choose our words wisely and allow the Holy Spirit to convict of sin. Rethink your posts, tweets and words run it through the Holy Spirits leading. I need this Lord start with me.