Dusty Ducts…

We were supposed to have our duct work cleaned today. What does that entail? They come in and clean out all the ducts and returns. Plus, it includes furnace cleaning. It leaves the home with fresh air to breathe  through your ducts.

But they couldn’t clean our ducts because there is mold in the crawl space. So now we must deal with the underlying problem before the ducts can be cleaned. 

As I ponder on this, I thought of how the mind and body are designed. The brain is fascinating how complex and intricate almost like a computer. The thoughts you think build or destroy your health.

I’m not an expert on the physiology of the human body. But the Bible tells us a lot about thoughts.  Proverbs says, “as a man thinks so is, he…” Isaiah 26:3 states, “You will keep him in perfect peace, who’s mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.”

Unchecked thoughts are like dust in the ducts it just builds up until it’s causing problems.

We are designed by God with a will to choose. You can choose which thoughts you will allow to stay, and which ones need to go. The choice is yours!  But when thoughts are left unchecked and their anxious, negative or fearful they build more of the same thoughts.

I want to grow my brains capacity and so can you. There are many things that help our brains. Just a few things healthy foods, exercises and learning something new help to grow a healthy brain. There are lots of other things too.

But you can start by changing your thoughts; the Bible clearly tells us how. In 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5- casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”

Strongholds are thought patterns that entrench in your mind trying to keep you blocked.  They become like and argument in your own head telling you why you can’t…

So, how do you change your thoughts?  First by cleaning out the anxious, negative and fearful thoughts. Tear them down using your will and in Jesus name refuse to allow them to stay.  Sometimes you may have to speak it out loud.

Secondly, by replacing those thoughts with positive, faith and uplifting scriptures and good thoughts. Such as God’s love, His peace, and  joy thoughts etc. Find a scripture that fits your situation and think on that.

2 Timothy 1:6  tells us fear isn’t from God.  Philippians chapter 3 is an excellent passage of scripture to help with anxiousness and thinking on good things. 

Positive thinking alone will not eradicate the anxious, negative or fearful thoughts. You will need to tear them down in Jesus name and replace them when it’s been a long habit. Sometimes forgiveness is necessary to start the process especially if your holding onto what someone has done or said to you. 

I believe once you begin to activate your will and choose your thoughts regularly you will see a difference in your mental outlook.