What Are Three Things Every Mom Needs?

Mother’s Day is a day we celebrate mothers. It is a day to honor women who have children. The Dictionary states, Mother “noun a woman in relation to her child or children. Verb 1) bring up a child with care and affection. 2) give birth to.”

Being a mom does not mean you have to physically carry the child there are many people who cannot physically have children but who adopt, foster or care for a child. A mom to me is a woman who loves, nurtures and cares for a child or children.

The word mother inspires for some of us great memories for me my mother was a person who loved unconditionally. She was wise, intelligent and funny.

Here are three things every mother needs.

First, I think every mother loves to hear from their children. Even if you live far away from your mom a phone call, zoom meeting or email, card etc. means so much to a mother. A mother carries their love for their child forever, so acknowledgement of your mom lets her know you care and are thinking of her. Not just mothers’ day but make it a habit to reach out to her regularly.

Secondly, time with her. Visits are so important to moms. They look forward to seeing and spending time with their children. When our children are grown, we so appreciate a visit from them. A lunch date, a stop over for coffee, just to share time means so much to a mom. As adults we may forget that mom’s still need our attention too. We get busy doing life so a day to appreciate moms was created.

Thirdly, a mom loves to receive affection from their child. A hug, a pat, a smile. Love is expressed in all kinds of ways but all of us humans need touch. Yes, it’s a pandemic but to see your child and receive a warm hug it says to me I love you mom!

My mom is no longer with me. I know she loved me dearly and I have very fond memories of her. I feel blessed to know my mother cared for all her children. You may not have your mom either, but you can honor her by sharing her picture on Facebook or sharing a good memory of her with your friends.

Be Blessed and Have a Happy Mother’s Day.

What is the Law of Multiplication?

What is the law of multiplication? How can something be blessed, broken and given at the same time? What is the advantage of blessing something, then breaking it and giving it away? How many times have you seen the law of multiplication in your life happen through blessed, broken and given?

It is interesting to see how a blessing that will be given away multiplies and supplies the need for the others to have. Life is not about what you have or do not have, but it is about how you are living and giving and blessing others. God supports our necessities and blesses us with the desires of our hearts. But we are not here on earth just to satisfy our own needs there is a bigger plan designed by Almighty God which involves each one of us.

We look at what is small in our own hands and God sees the outcome and how he plans on increasing it. The law of multiplication is seen in Matthew chapter fourteen.   

The bible states in Matthew 14:15-16 “When it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food. 16-But Jesus said to them, “they do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” Remember this is an exceptionally large crowd of five thousand men not counting the women and children. So, estimated at fifteen thousand people or more.

Matthew 14:17-18 “We have here only five loaves and two fish.” 18-He said, “Bring them here to me.” Here the disciples are looking at the tiny amount they have, and Jesus said bring it to me. How many times have we said but if I only had…? When God can use your nothing and make something when you hand it over to him. This encourages our faith that with God all things are possible even when you just have a little bit.

Matthew 14:19 “Then He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitudes.” At this point Jesus is displaying the law of multiplication by way of blessing, breaking and giving. He takes the food looks to heaven and blesses the small amount. Being thankful for a small amount is a great lesson alone but then He breaks what was given and gives it away, as he gives it multiples. The disciples then give it away also.  

Being broken most times we think of breaking as a terrible thing but when it involves us, and God being broken is a good thing. Theologically broken bread stands for Christ broken and given for our eternal life. But in our every day walk it symbolizes to me the tough times we go through and how God works through our breakings. God does not do stuff to harm us but to shape and mold us into what Jesus looked like.

Going through things may be difficult emotionally, physically or mentally but when we allow God to move in our lives it always works out for our good. It feels as if it is breaking but, the breaking turns into you giving from what you learned. So often what we keep hold of so tightly becomes little when if we would bless and give out it would be multiplied.

Matthew 14:20 “So they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained.” Many times, I have seen God multiply what was given in my life and others. I love how a tiny amount was used to feed so many. We can never underestimate just how or when God is going to use our little to help somebody else.  The lesson throughout these verses is simple to be grateful even when it is a tiny amount, surrender to God each breaking and give what you learned and watch what God is going to increase.   

Pursuers of Peace

Peace makers vs peacekeepers?  What is peace?  How do we become peace makers and what is a peacekeeper? 

The bible says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”  What does that mean?  It means pursers of peace are blessed with a calmness.  It also means follow the peace of God. God willingly leads us, but we must know how to recognize it.  Peace is one of the ways he leads us. A peace maker is one who is at peace within themselves only then can you negotiate others into peace.  Being a peacemaker like Jesus means you also can confront issues and problems.     

A peacekeeper won’t speak up.  Peacekeepers try to keep peace at all cost. This steals their peace.  Peace at all cost just puts you in a co-dependent mindset.  We are not responsible to fix others.  They are responsible for their choices and consequences.

God directs us through his Word and peace.  The Bible says, “let peace be the umpire of your soul.”  When the warning flags go off in your spirit(gut) or intuition/instinct it means something is wrong.  When we go against those flags it robs our peace.  Be a peace maker in your heart, allow God the Holy Spirit to led you by peace.

Peace is a calm on the inside, it’s also a state of rest even in turmoil.

Remember that we always have a choice.  Choose to follow the leading of His Spirit.  Trying to keep peace at any cost doesn’t give you true calm.  That is just another form of rescuing or being responsible for another’s responsibility.

You are responsible for your own actions you’re not responsible for how someone interpreted it or fixing their wrong decisions, behaviors etc.

Through the years I’ve noticed the thread of co-dependency in a lot of us.  We think we can solve or change another human being so they can love us like we need.  But the truth is you cannot change anyone.  The minute you start to help someone be or do you are entering the rescuer position.  It only backfires it produces a temporary fix.

Rescuer’s don’t change the other person.  They also do not have influence on them either.  A rescuer only turns into an enabler and peace is then evading you.

This all steals your peace/quiet and rest.  Be you and choose to let God take care of the problems in others.  Follow peace by letting peace be the umpire of your soul.

Pursue peace within yourself and defend your peace from the peace robbers.  Peace robbers are all kinds of things.    

Start to notice what robs your calm.  As you become aware of them, you will be able to guard your heart from them.  Telling the truth to yourself you are not responsible for another adult.  That one truth helps reduce peacekeeping missions and switches you to peace making.

Choose to be a peace maker and then follow the peace in your spirit.