What is the Maturity Factor?

How do we develop maturity in our lives? What does it look, sound and feel like? Sometimes we think we are mature and then life throws curve ball on us and we realize we lack patience in our situation. You can tell where you’re at by your responses, although sometimes we respond correctly, we may still carry it internally. God knows what is in our hearts. We do not always sense where we are at because our own hearts can deceive us.

In the bible James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trails, 3-knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4-But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

The NIV states, “4-let the perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

How important is maturity to you? It’s important to God or he wouldn’t be perfecting us through patience. Trials come and go it’s something we all face. How we develop through it all depends on us. Here are three ways people face trials, delays or setbacks:

One way is to get upset, complain and grumble. Obviously, this is not the best way to handle life’s situations. It only makes you anxious and grumpy towards others and life in general. Will it produce anything to happen quicker? The answer is no it will not. Truthfully the more aggravated you get it feels like the trial will never end. When we speak the complaint out loud, we are producing with our own word’s negativity over our situations and life. Complaining brings you down mentally and emotionally. Yes, we can talk about the bad and discuss it to deal with our problems but complaining is not just discussing a situation. It takes on a self-pity attitude that if done enough will cause your mind and emotions to lean towards the negative. When we complain too much, we can become self-righteous without realizing we are doing it. The bible tells us to think on good things, things that are pure, lovely, and of a good report. I speak the word of God over my situations it produces faith and reminds me who is in control. God is for us when we are His child lean on Him and trust Him through any delays.

Another way to face it is avoidance. Pretend nothing is wrong just pretend life is good and repress your emotions. This causes internal emotional side effects. When we repress our emotions and thoughts etc. it doesn’t go away it goes down deep into our subconscious. You may think it’s gone but no it’s not it’s just hiding out till the day it explodes. If your responses become sudden outbursts, it’s a sign you have repressed something such as hurts, unforgiveness, resentments, bitterness etc. Traumas and hurts that have not been dealt with through healing will result in us having inner emotional, mental and physical problems of some type. The good news is that Jesus died for our life spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. There is hope!

The third way to handle trials, situations or delays is to go to God with them. Prayerfully read the Word of God and mediate on it. Process the frustrations, pains, hurts or delays through the guidance of The Holy Spirit. God is always working to make us whole, healed and healthy. Yes, He uses the trials we face. All our trials are not wasted but when you’re leaning on the grace of God as you go through it you will end up better off than when it started. No matter what you are faced with God wants to get through it with you and then use it for the development of your maturity.  

The maturity factor is God working within you to develop into a mature and complete person.

Patience, Patience, Patience…

Don’t we all enjoy patience! Well perhaps not all of us. My definition of patience is quietly waiting without grumbling or complaining. Since that is my definition of patience where do you think you are in your definition of patience?

As I waited for my daughter’s goat Kiki to birth her babies yesterday, I looked at my daughter and she said to me, “now we wait we must have patience because they come only when their ready.”  I was thinking about the patience it takes to be a rancher. This goat had two dates, so it was a question of which date is correct and the wait began. I had never seen an animal birth, so I was thrilled to wait. Well I do not believe that Kiki wanted an audience because we left and came back later, she still didn’t birth her babies, so we came back home. She started birthing at 11ish we had been was fast asleep. But Kiki as well as her three kids are all in good health and doing great. They are super adorable.

This experience led me to thinking about patience. How essential it is to practice patience as well as what an asset it is to have. Since we must all apply patience during this pandemic, I think it’s suitable to take the time to look at patience. According to the dictionary: “Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering with out getting angry or upset.”

Patience when anything is delayed. How many times has something been delayed in your life? It may not always feel good to wait on longer than anticipated although it is doable. We can withstand longer in delays by not complaining and looking at the situation in negative ways. The minute we begin complaining our endurance gets affected. Getting angry throughout a delay only affects yourself. Choose to speak the truth to yourself so your waiting will not influence your thoughts and emotions.

The Bible states, James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,3-knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, 4-But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” I may not immediately feel joy in trouble although knowing God is working in the trouble and in me is helping to refocus off the trouble. Choosing to speak truths for example is stating God will help, because his word promises to help his children. Or speaking truth may also be I am growing in maturity in this time of patience. Even if you do not feel like your growing you’re going to be growing.

Patience during trouble is also difficult if your concentrating on the trouble. Choose to speak life into the difficulties. Trouble comes in many forms big and small. Any unforeseen problem financially can be real trouble for many. I find and speak a scripture into the problem. It will help me to refocus onto the Lord and his provisions. God also provides wisdom when we ask him.

Patience during suffering may be difficult also.  Suffering comes in all shapes too. Physical, emotional and psychological suffering can all be tough times for being patient. Throughout my ankle recovery I told myself to understand I have never been through this one before and to trust God in the healing process. I knew this was going to be a longer recovery because of my bones being soft. I am still in rehabilitation for the ankle almost finished but not yet.

When we decide to be patient in delays, trouble or suffering we are increasing in maturity. Allow patience to have the full work in you so you become mature and complete.