Be a Lighthouse…

Can you imagine being on a large lake and it’s the middle of the night and there is no lighthouse?  How do you assess the distance to shore and how do you see in the storm to land safely?  I imagine that the advantages of a light house to all boats are lifesaving.

According to Google “a Lighthouse is a tower with a bright light at the top, located at an important or dangerous place regarding navigation.”  Also, “the two main purposes of a light house are to serve as a navigational aid and to warn boats of dangerous areas.  It is a traffic sign on the sea.”

How do we become a lighthouse?  The only way I know to be a navigational aid is by being a living example.  People can give a lot of advice but realistically you must be living your advice for others to benefit from it. 

Children learn by what they see their parents do.  You can say all kinds of stuff to your children that sounds great but if you’re not walking in it, they are not learning because they learn by what they see you do.

We too need to be in line with our words.  The bible says “light exposes darkness” but it doesn’t simply happen by words you see light it shines in darkness.

When we are near people who are struggling be a light of comfort and strength.  Be aware that a person who is down doesn’t need to be told to cheer up, they need comfort.  Being comfort by sitting with them or just listening to them with out advice giving.  Just be a listening ear.  Let your compassion shine like a lighthouse.

I recently heard a minister say and I’m paraphrasing “Comfort people who are hurting.  Don’t say just have faith.  When Jesus said to his disciples, ‘he was sorrowful unto death,’ would you say to Jesus just have faith?  No then don’t do it to others especially the hurting.”  This reminds me of the page, ‘When compassion isn’t compassion’ on this website. 

I’ve been in a lot of pain in my low back and right hip muscle, it is so painful I must stop and ice it.  I’m walking with crutches to alleviate pain also.  I need to get stronger and stand straighter to help ease this pain, but the ankle isn’t completely ready to stop hurting and it’s stiff and causing me to limp.

If someone was lecturing me on walking straight it wouldn’t help me.  That’s what Pt is for.  I went up for prayer Sunday because I felt safe to say my back is hurting and the lady’s prayed for me and hugged me and I left feeling invigorated and loved.  For me this is another way of an uplifting lighthouse moment for me.  Jesus is the Light of the World his light will shine through us. We can pray for others in a way which builds them up.

Being the living example of Jesus is being a lighthouse let his light shine through you.

We know a lighthouse also warns of an imminent threat of the boulders and shore that could cause damage to ships.  When we are giving warning, we ought to choose our words wisely.  When we warn we need to choose words with truth seasoned in grace.  The bible instructs us to be merciful.  There are occasions to speak and not to speak.  Being a light house through example is still speaking. 

Once you have Jesus’ light you will be a lighthouse wherever you go.  John 8:12 “Then Jesus spoke to them again, Saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life.”    

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Let God’s light shine like a lighthouse through you.

Shine like a lighthouse