Three Ways To Give Comfort

warm comfort

What brings you the most comfort? For some it’s a warm meal, a hug, a smile. Comfort comes in all kinds of ways, someone listening to us without advice, taking a stroll, watching a movie or just relaxing on the couch can bring comfort to some people. But when a person has an emotional hurt or is in distress comfort resembles a listening ear, a warm embrace or a kind word that recognizes the hurt.

The word comfort means “1) a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. 2) Or the easing or alleviation of a person’s feelings of grief or distress.”

How one receives comfort does not always look the same, but it produces the same feeling of relief.

Here are three ways to comfort someone that needs comforting. First, recognize their pain. Acknowledge you hear or see the pain. So often when we are hurting it is hard to express the pain therefore acknowledging the persons pain validates their suffering.

Secondly, do not try to fix it! Be a listener so that they feel empowered by your care for them. When we listen, people can speak without fear of judged or lectured. Real comfort is soothing not harsh or dogmatic.

Thirdly, ask them what they need. People know that they need comfort and what it is that they feel comforted by. Whether it is a hug, venting or snacks… Sometimes we need to say I forgive you or I’m sorry those words spoken in sincerity will bring comfort.

So next time you’re with someone who needs comfort be the listening ear or the warm embrace and allow yourself to be present for them.

“How To Avoid Being Weary”

Have you ever felt weary, tired or worn out? What are some causes of weariness? How do we avoid weariness? First what does the word weary mean? According to the Dictionary the word weary means, “feeling or showing tiredness especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep.”

The bible tells us in Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” The word weary in this scripture means in the Strong’s Greek Dictionary “to be (bad or) weak i.e., by imp. To fail (in heart) faint: be weary”

When we think about doing good and doing work for others wellbeing it is essential to understand that God has a timing involved in all aspects of life. This passage in the word of God is to encourage the people to not loose heart in their due season of waiting while doing good. Whether you’re in ministry or not we all have our waiting on God times. For those who have visions and dreams of what God has called you to do. Be encouraged to rest in that God has perfect timing.

We can become weary in soul, body, and spirit.

How does weariness come? It comes through one having our eyes on the outcomes we want that are not happening. Putting our eyes on the outcome affects our mind and heart. Because we begin to think it should be….

Secondly weariness can come due to waiting.  a) Waiting for the resources to carry out the vision God called you to do or whatever plan you’re wanting to accomplish. b) Waiting for the fulfillment of a vision, mission, dream, plan… c) waiting for the timing “due season.”

Thirdly, avoid comparing yourself to others. This is a trick of the enemy to make you unsatisfied and it only opens the door to envy, jealousy and strife. Be you and wait on God he has never forgotten anyone.

How do we overcome weariness? We overcome by His grace that strengthens us in body, soul and spirit. In 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 The apostle Paul says, “Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. 9) And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, most gladly I will boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

This is how we overcome weariness? As the Apostle Paul did through the grace given to him by the Lord. Ask for grace, receive the grace to do what you are called to do. Believe and receive it through faith that this is a tangible presence of strength and help. Lean on His grace. You can grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore, daily ask for more grace and lean on His strength. To do all you need to do for that day.

Guard you heart, mind, emotions with grace.

Guard you body. Give it rest through grace. It’s important to listen to our bodies so that we don’t wear them down.

Guard your spirit through praise and refilling of His Spirit with grace.

Remember to ask, receive and lean on the Grace of God daily.

What Are Three Things Prayer Provides?

How important is prayer to you? What types of prayers do you pray? Why does God want us to pray? These are a few questions we will look at. What are three things that prayer provides us with?

To me prayer is important because it is time spent with God. It is a time to ask and listen. So often we can pray and then walk away as if God doesn’t speak but He does. He wants to be heard just like we want to be heard. To me prayer is more than petitions and requests it is a time of fellowship with praise and thanksgiving, a time to meditate and listen, and petition and intercede for others and ourselves.

I know that we can sometimes make our prayer time a ritual, but it doesn’t have to be. Having communication and communion with God through fellowship and reading His Word is also about our prayer life. God’s Word is alive and active. It penetrates to the dividing of our soul and spirit. When we read His Word with a hungry heart for our own lives it is an exchange of His Word for our weaknesses. I like to ask the Holy Spirit to quicken His Word to me. We all need a fresh Word from the Lord. Even if it’s a correction it still produces life.

First, prayer provides us with answers and help from Almighty God through what Christ Jesus did for us in crucifixion, death and resurrection. The shed blood of Christ enables us to go before the throne of God with our requests and receive mercy and grace in our times of need.

Second, prayer provides connection with God in understanding His ways according to His Word. His ways are greater than our ways. Through prayer and reading the Word of God we discover what we really think and believe. The Word of God prayerfully read will uncover right where the heart of the matter lays.

Three prayer provides us with His fellowship. God created mankind to have a relationship with Him. He wants that relationship, and He supplied the way for that relationship. God longs to spend time with you. When you surrender your life to Jesus and receive forgiveness for your sins you become a child of God. He is our Heavenly Father, and He wants to hear from you.

There are many benefits to prayer these are just three things prayer provides. Be encouraged today to seek God in prayer.