Three things to know about happiness.

Where does happiness come from? What does it do for you? How does one stay happy in life? Happiness can be a byproduct of what we do for others. Happiness is not found in a person, place or thing. It comes as we carry out goals, help someone or choose to be thankful even when life is throwing the curve ball at you. It also comes when we give of ourselves to others. It is a disposition in life. The Dictionary says happiness means, “the state of being happy.” ‘Contentment, pleasure’ “Happiness is a feeling of pleasure and positivity. When someone feels good, proud, excited, relieved or satisfied about something that person is said to be ‘happy’ Feeling happy may help people relax and to smile.”

Why is happiness so important to people? I think it is promoted as an essential pursuit. First, it is a byproduct of what a person does with life. It’s not about money, status or who you know. It is a product of how you view life, what your dreams are and how you go about completing them. You can have no money and be happy. You can have millions of dollars and still feel depressed, lonely and unhappy. If you think the more, you have the happier you will be you will end up disappointed.

Secondly happiness isn’t joy, being joyful is an emotion. Joy is an emotion of excitement or a sudden feeling of cheer. It’s important to feel joy but happiness is more of a state of mind. Happiness can also be felt because it is produced when we give others help, when we complete projects or goals.   

Thirdly when we keep our minds free from comparing ourselves to others, self-pity, negative critical thinking we stay happy. Our minds will steer us that is why the Bible states in Isaiah 26:3 “You keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.” We can choose our thoughts. I choose to not be focused on what I can’t do and do what I can do.

After having joint replacements, you learn if I overdo, I suffer pain, so you learn to pace yourself and do what you can, not what you are unable to. I choose to focus on doing what I enjoy and let the heavier things go.

Choose to enjoy where you are in life as you pursue where you want to be. Everyday we can learn something new, if you’re not sure what you like spend time trying new things to give yourself and opportunity to learn and grow. It is never too late to learn something new.

Remember happiness is a byproduct not a goal.