Stop and take a look…

Looking at this photo shows the bloom is concealed from view.  While walking by way of our hydrangea bushes it seemed as though the plant did not have any flowers.  But upon a little slower look you will be able to see the hidden splendor of its blooms.

It got me thinking about how our lives could fly by without notice if we allow it but once we slow down and look all around on the earth’s beauty in flowers, plants and animals you can view creations beauty.  This flower is hidden in the leaves they are so large that had I not looked and stopped to see I would have missed a beautiful sight.

Sometimes we all must slow down and take a nice glance around and see a beauty that’s all around us. I encourage you today to stop for a minute and deliberately look for the beauty around you.

Give yourself permission to take a break and enjoy God’s creation. Take a deep breath and delight in your moments.

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