Sneaker Day!

Yay! I got to wear my sneaker at physical therapy today.  I have been waiting for this day!  I’m thankful this process is almost over but not yet.  So, I still wait.  I’m enjoying life in the wait.  Everyday something new to experience in ankle recovery.  My ankle is getting stronger and I no longer use the knee scooter, also I’m able to do more and more.

I was thinking about waiting, some have a harder time to wait than others.  I choose to focus on the goal in the end which in this situation is walking pain free.  I’m obeying the Doctor’s orders and the Therapists plan.  No getting ahead of these plans or going rogue.  When I was younger, I would push the pt. boundaries, but I learned the only one who suffered was me.

I put this surgery off for a long time.  Ankle replacements are becoming more common now.  Each one of us have different things we wait on.

Choose to learn while you wait.  Also choose to grow as you wait.  Waiting isn’t punishment it is a process in healing and growth.  Enjoy your wait.