Should I forgive?

That is a difficult question to many people.  But your answer is yes, we should forgive!  Why yes, because forgiving someone isn’t about them it’s for you.

Forgiveness gives empowering for yourself.  It relieves negative thoughts and emotions.  It doesn’t mean what’s happened wasn’t wrong it simply means you’re moving on in your life.

It also doesn’t imply reconciliation.  Forgiveness is the choice of your will.  But sometimes separation is necessary from the person who doesn’t change.

We cannot make anyone change or do something.  We just have control over ourselves.  If you go in a circle year after year, it will make a rut.  To get out of the rut you must change something.

Boundaries help us understand where we are and what we are willing to tolerate.  If you don’t have any boundaries, you’ll be stuck or put in a position of compromising yourself about something that isn’t what you really want.

So, should I or shouldn’t I forgive yes, we should but it does not mean sometimes how we think.  What I mean is that sometimes we think forgiveness is for the other person when in fact it is for you. Forgiveness is a gift for yourself.  You release yourself from the revenge or I deserve and empowering yourself to move on.

Saying I will never forgive them is a life sentence on yourself.  God takes care of the vengeance part of injustices done to us.  We may rest in His plans and to release ourselves from holding unforgiveness against someone.

Jesus forgave us, ask for help to release whatever unforgiveness which is tormenting you.

Choose to forgive, set boundaries and live in the freedom of God’s love in Christ Jesus for you.

2 thoughts on “Should I forgive?”

  1. So beautifully said and sooo impactful. Thank you for this great way of teaching forgiveness.

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