Recovery From…

I’m recovering from surgery. You may be recovering from a loss of something or someone. There are all different kinds of recovery from surgeries, addictions, losses, illness, abuse and much more.

The word recovery means: 1) a return to a normal state of health, mind or strength. Similar words: recuperation, convalescent, rehabilitation, healing, improvement… 2) the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost. Similar: retrieval, regaining, reclamation, recouping, repossession, redemption Webster’s Dictionary for recovery 1) act, process, or an instance of recovering 2) the process of combating a disorder such as alcoholism or a real or perceived problem

If you’re in recovery having a support system is essential to healing. God is the ultimate healer and he uses us to support one another through personal and organized recovery systems.

When in recovery finding a support system that works with you is beneficial. Depending on the recovery will determine the type of support system needed. Whether it’s a faith-based group or a 12-step program, medical help, and or counseling, family and friends etc. If you can be honest and accountable it will be a beneficial support for you.   There are excellent support systems and healthcare facilities available for all different problems it’s important to be open to getting help.

Jeremiah 30:17 states, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds.” Whatever your wounds are God has a healing for you.  Be open to getting help. And willing to do the work involved in healing.

2 thoughts on “Recovery From…”

  1. Beautiful and such an encouragement that there are so many ways for us to get help during recovery. Thank you for the encouragement and definitions.

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