Are you stagnate or progressing?


Today is exactly six weeks since my left ankle replacement surgery. Tomorrow I will be able to put 25% weight on the left leg.  Although the recovery is longer than anticipated due to a fracture and very soft bones. I have seen progress through it all!

Progress propels us on to the next step, level and future. Without progress we can become stagnant. I choose to look at this recovery as a process of progression. First was surgery, then the cast and then the grey boot etc.

I also choose to look at life in the same way. One day I’m recovering from surgery and during this recovery I’m inspired to take a step and create this blog. Which I was unsure of how to do but I googled and here we are. As I learn about webpages, blogs etc. I will continue to progress.

My life didn’t stop because of surgery. Parts of it are on hold and parts are still moving forward. My relationship with my husband has grown through this surgery in little ways. A few of my friendships have also grown deeper and to me those are areas of progress.

You always have a choice in life as an adult. How you perceive a situation does affect you. If I choose to look at the situation and say I’m in a bad place because it’s going longer than originally planned. All it would do is make me feel worse. But I know God is going to bring me through. I choose to be thankful in the process. Gratitude to God, my family and friends produces a joy within me in the process.

Changing how you look at or think about the situation sometimes brings clarity too. So, to sum this up to progress is better than stagnate.

Think on what these words mean and relate it to your life.

The word progress means as a verb, “forward or onward movement toward a destination.” As a noun it means, “move forward or onward in space and time.” Some similar words are progression, advance, advancement, headway or passage.

The word stagnate means, “the state of not flowing or moving, lack of activity, growth or development.

I choose to progress! I choose moving forward and being open to change and health. I choose to keep moving in life.  If you have stopped in life activate your will and choose to keep moving in all areas of your life. You’re never to old to learn and grow.

2 thoughts on “Are you stagnate or progressing?”

  1. Congratulations on the progress of your healing ankle. Thank you for sharing your testimonies and lessons you’re learning through all of this. Very insightful, encouraging and very very helpful.

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