People… and Personality

After writing blog article People… I was asked on Facebook what is the personality?  I’ve been thinking about this question.

Personality means for me the traits/tendencies, like and dislikes, and the character strengths and weakness all combining into your personality.  I like using a simple questionnaire Florence Littauer has in the back of her book ‘Your Personality Tree.’

Before I became a SYMBIS Facilitator, while doing premarital counseling I would have a couple take the personality test.  In doing that test the couple then begins to understand the whys and why nots of their partner’s choices, likes and dislikes and type of their personality.  This is initiating good conversations in premarital counseling.

The SYMBIS questionnaire gets deeper into things such as your decision making, finances, strengths and weakness, expectations and more.  It’s well worth thirty-five dollars per couple if you want an excellent assessment of yourself and your mate.  Even singles may take the assessment to help determine their strengths and weakness and their relationship readiness.

Dr. Gary Smalley in his book ‘Making Love Last Forever’ has a chapter on personality traits and put it into four personality types.  I would recommend this book for couples to be done together to reinforce or help heal their marital relationship. 

Dr. Gary Smalley stated on page 159 in the book “We’re all a blend of four basic personality types, but most of us have one or two dominant styles.”  I like his remark because it makes clear that there’s a blend and we typically are one or two dominant styles. 

Understanding these personality styles will help people relate to other persons no one person is the same and that’s a good thing, but everybody has some characteristics that do fall under four different personality types.  These types are called Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy as well as Phlegmatic. 

I like this category because it’s a practical way to find out and discover about yourself and others.  I believe the better we understand people that it produces compassion.

I would like to hear from the reader to learn if you’ve ever took a personality test and what three things you learned.  Please think about leaving a comment on this blog.

Also, to consider sharing the blog on your Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter.  Let’s get the Whole World thinking about people and understanding each other better.

Personality has strengths and weakness when we understand our strength and weakness, we can adapt, empower and overcome in the areas that we need to.